编辑: 鱼饵虫 2019-07-06

剩余少量 未被还原的Fe主要赋存在硅酸盐(b)中. 从上述研究结果可知: Ti在反应初期(钒氧化物还原率28.75%)大部 分赋存于长条状M93AI.Ti30孙MsTi205固溶体物相 中,少部分分散于硅酸盐相和小块粒状物相中,随着 钒还原率的增加,Ti逐渐从硅酸盐相中析出并与小 块粒状物相聚集长大成长条状Mg,AI.Ti30巧、Mg― Ti:O,固溶体物相,并最终富集在该物相中,有利于 后续钛资源的提取利用. V在反应初期主要赋存于小块粒状和长条状含 钛物相中与钛紧密共生,随着钒还原率的增加,V被 逐渐还原进入铁液中,在反应后期(钒氧化物还原 率71.41%),剩余未被还原的V主要赋存于镁黑钛 石相中,少量赋存在硅酸盐相中,不利于V、Si、Ti的 进一步还原分离. 万方数据 ・44・ 矿产综合利用 2009年4结论心堞霎翕恭嚣j.篡勰篱鬈警渣 1.该钒钛酸性渣的主要物相组成为长条形的 MgTi205(镁黑钛石)夹杂M93A1.Ti3025和M93A12 (SiO.),(镁铝榴石)夹杂CaMgSi:06(透辉石)硅酸 盐基底. 2.随着钒还原率的增加,渣中主要物相基本不 变,渣的微观形貌由杂乱到有序. 3.随着还原的进行,钛由分散到主要富集于镁 黑钛石固溶体中.有利于后续钛的回收利用. 4.钒的走向与钛一致,剩余未被还原的钒主要 富集在镁黑钛石固溶体中,少量存在于硅酸盐相中, 不利于钒、硅、钛的进一步还原分离.. 参考文献: [1]邓君,薛逊,刘功国.攀钢钒钛磁铁矿资源综合利用现状 与发展[J].材料与冶金学报.2007,6(2):83一嘶. [3]刘清才.钛磁铁矿熔态还原速度与渣相结构的关系[J]. 金属学报,1996,32(10).:1081―1086. [4】全跃,任允芙.承钢含钛高炉渣综合利用的工艺矿物学 研究[J].钢铁钒钛,1989,10(4):18―23. [5]王喜庆主编.高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿(第l版)[M].北京: 冶金工业出版社,1994. [6]刁13升,怨天宇.高炉冶炼含TiO:炉渣的熔化性温度研 究及析出相矿物分析[J].钢铁钒钛,1992,13(5):17― 25. [7 3邓朝枢.含钒电炉钛渣的物相组成[J].钢铁钒钛,1985 (2):22~29. [8]石玉洪,刘庆华,张仪,等.攀枝花铁精矿球团还原钛渣 理化性能的研究[J].钢铁钒钛,1993,14(1):7一13,30. [9]赵以起,杜静.钒钛磁铁矿金属化球团的工艺矿物学研 究[J].中南矿冶学院学报,1981(3):32-43. Study on the Occurrence of V,Ti during Reduction Process of the AcimC Vanadium―Titanium Slag FU Gui―qinl,XUE Xun2,WANG Fen91,ZHU Miao・yon91, (1.Northeastern University,Shenyang,Liaoning,China;

2.Panzhihua Iron and Steel Research Institute,Pangang Group,Panzhihua,Sichuan,China) Abstract:Based on the analysis of XRD and SEM images of the acidic Vanadium―titanium slag with different per- cent reduction of vanadium oxides,the occurrence characteristics of V,Ti tire identified.Research results showed that the main phase of the acidic vanadium―titanium slag was MgTi205一M93A]4Ti30笛solid solution and pyrope containing diospide.With the increase of percent reduction of vanadium the micro―phases did not change,but the morphologies and the form of occurrence of V,Ti were changed.During the reduction process,V is reduced into i- ron melt and rest mainly distributed in the MgTi205一M93AI.Ti30笛solid solution,and the minor is distributed in pyrope containing diopside phase.As for Ti,during the reduction process,Ti gradually precipitated from the silicate phase and combined the small block―like phase to develop into the strip―like phase of M93A14Ti3025一MgTi20s solid solution,finally gathered in the phase that is believed to be beneficial for following utilization of titanium. Key words:Acidic vanadium―titanium slg;
