编辑: gracecats 2019-07-06
BBC LEARNING ENGLISH Lingohack 英语大破解 Good coffee, happy cows 喝咖啡可能延长寿命、养牛户关注动物福祉 Lingohack ?British Broadcasting Corporation

2017 bbclearningenglish.

com/chinese Page

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2 本集内容 ? A longer life for coffee drinkers? 英国研究者们发现喝咖啡的人寿命更长 ? Beef farmer's happy cows 菜牛饲养主关心奶牛安康 文字稿 We really do take our coffee seriously here. In London, it's no longer a drink associated with life's vices such as cigarettes or alcohol. Researchers at Imperial College London monitored half a million people over

16 years C the effects of coffee were noticeable. Men who drank coffee, on average, lived an extra three months, women an extra one month. 我们伦敦人真的很把喝咖啡当回事.在这里,人们不再把喝咖啡与吸烟、喝酒等生活 恶习联系在一起.伦敦帝国理工学院的研究人员们在对五十万名调查对象进行了

16 年 的密切观察后发现喝咖啡对他们产生的效果是显而易见的.在被调查的对象中,喝咖 啡的男性比不喝咖啡的男性平均多活了三个月,而喝咖啡的女性则比不喝咖啡的女性 平均多活了一个月. When his father died in 2011, Jay Wilde took the responsibility of running the family farm. For years, he has been concerned about the welfare of his cows and the environmental impact of beef farming. Today, he's doing something about it. Instead of sending animals to slaughter, he has given away his herd of cattle to an animal sanctuary. 杰・怀尔德自

2011 年父亲去世之后,担负起了经营家庭农场的责任.多年以来,他一 直很关心自家农场奶牛的安康以及菜牛养殖对环境的影响.如今,他在为自己的这些 担忧和顾虑做出行动.他并没有把这些动物送去宰杀,而是把牛群捐给了一家动物收 容所. 词汇 vices 坏习惯 welfare 福利,安康 视频链接: http://bbc.in/2uREySG Lingohack ?British Broadcasting Corporation

2017 bbclearningenglish.com/chinese Page

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2 练习 请从以下词汇中选择适当的答案来完成句子.注意:你可能需要改变单词的时态来完 成句子. vices / welfare 1. The police are very concerned for the of the missing child. 2. Going to the pub once a week for a pint is my only 答案 1. The police are very concerned for the welfare of the missing child. 2. Going to the pub once a week for a pint is my only vice.
