编辑: 夸张的诗人 2019-07-05
以上价格另收 15%的服务费 Prices are in RMB, subject to

15 % service charge 全日菜单 ALL DAY DINING 开胃菜 APPETIZERS 烟熏三文鱼配绿叶生菜,甜芥末酱和柠檬

120 Smoked salmon with garden greens, sweet mustard sauce and lemon 意式烤面包三重奏

95 西红柿,金枪鱼和马苏里拉奶酪配帕尔玛火腿 Bruschetta trio Tomato, tuna and mozzarella cheese with Parma ham 大虾和芒果配甜辣酱和绿叶香菜

105 Prawns and mango with sweet chili dressing and green coriander 扒蔬菜,帕尔玛火腿和水牛奶酪塔垫日晒西红柿酱和罗勒油

115 Grilled vegetables, Parma ham and buffalo mozzarella cheese tower on sun dried tomato sauce with basil oil 香炸面包糠鱿鱼配鞑靼酱和柠檬

90 Crumbed calamari with tartar sauce and lemon 半打鸡肉春卷配甜辣酱

75 Half dozen chicken spring rolls with sweet chili dip 汤SOUPS 西红柿汤配香草和奶酪面包丁

55 Tomato soup with fresh herbs and cheese crouton 匈牙利式牛肉汤配甜椒和土豆

65 Beef goulash soup with bell peppers and potato 清汤配鸡肉,蔬菜云吞和葱花

55 Consommé with chicken, vegetable wantons and chives 咸菜黄鱼蓉汤

60 Salted vegetable and minced yellow fish soup 以上价格另收 15%的服务费 Prices are in RMB, subject to

15 % service charge 色拉和三明治 SALADS AND SANDWICHES 传统凯撒沙拉

95 鲜脆罗美生菜拌凯撒酱配培根,巴马臣奶酪薄片和香脆面包丁 Traditional Caesar Crisp romaine lettuce tossed with Caesar dressing, finished with bacon, Parmesan shavings and croutons 或配 Or with 烟熏三文鱼

115 Smoked salmon 帕尔玛火腿

115 Parma ham 大虾

115 Prawns 鸡肉和蔬菜色拉配腰果,橄榄油柠檬汁,薄荷和扒皮塔面包块

90 Chicken and vegetable salad with cashew nuts, olive oil lemon dressing, mint and grilled pita croutons 厨师长推荐色拉碗

120 鲜脆生菜,意式腊肠,大虾,烟熏火鸡,水牛奶酪, 西红柿,全熟煮蛋,配千岛酱 Chef's salad bowl Crisp garden picks, salami, prawns, smoked turkey, buffalo mozzarella cheese, tomato, hard boiled egg, served with thousand island dressing 威尔士兔子

120 燕麦面包配火腿,西红柿和车达奶酪酱 Welsh rarebit Oatmeal bread with gammon ham, tomato and cheddar cheese sauce 总汇三明治

120 三层成叠的烟熏火鸡拌芥末蛋黄酱,瑞士奶酪, 生菜,烤培根,西红柿片和煮鸡蛋 Club sandwich Triple decker stacked with smoked turkey, grain mustard mayonnaise, Swiss cheese, lettuce, grilled bacon, sliced tomato and boiled egg 金枪鱼和瑞士奶酪配西红柿填烤全麦面包

110 Grilled tuna and Swiss cheese with tomato in whole wheat bread 以上价格另收 15%的服务费 Prices are in RMB, subject to

15 % service charge 牛排奶酪

145 西冷牛排配洋葱,炙烤西红柿,配幼滑马苏里拉奶酪夹意式脆皮面包 Steak and cheese Beef sirloin with onions, seared tomato, glazed with mozzarella cheese in ciabatta bread 潜艇三明治

120 意式腊肠,熟火腿,烤牛肉和瑞士奶酪夹法式长面包 Submarine sandwich Salami, cooked ham, roast beef and Swiss cheese in French baguette 您的特选三明治

110 烟熏火鸡或烟熏鸡肉或烤牛肉或烟熏火腿或瑞士奶酪填法式脆皮面包 Sandwich of your choice Smoked turkey or smoked chicken or roast beef or smoked ham or Swiss cheese in French baguette 美食家汉堡

120 首选双层牛肉饼配洋葱,蘑菇,西红柿,生菜 和酸黄瓜,配幼滑马苏里拉奶酪 Gourmet burger Prime double beef patty with onions and mushrooms, tomato, lettuce and gherkins, glazed with mozzarella cheese 鱼肉汉堡
