编辑: 达达恰西瓜 2019-07-04
大部分文职人员在办公室或室内工作,由於他们需要在室内逗 留的时间很长,所以室内的空气质素确实不容忽视.

良好的室内空气 质素,既可保障人们的健康,又可令人感觉舒适;

相反,恶劣的室内空 气质素,则会危害在职人士的健康,生产力亦会受影响.本期通讯将讨 论办公室室内空气质素的问题及一些缓解措施. 引言Introduction Most sedentary workers have to work either at the office or in an indoor environment. As they generally have to stay indoors for a long period of time, indoor air quality is an issue of major concern. Good indoor air quality safeguards people'

s health and also gives a comfortable environment. In contrast, poor indoor air quality jeopardizes people'

s health as well as productivity. This bulletin is going to discuss the issues about indoor air quality and o?er suggestions on alleviation measures. 24118_Sedentary.indd

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4 12年9月20日 上午10:22 12年9月20日 上午10:22 室内环境受到污染,可令人感到不适,例如头痛、眼睛痕痒、呼吸困难、皮肤过敏、疲劳、呕吐与 及一系列急性或慢性的症状和疾病.现时已有许多科学证允,恶劣室内空气质素与一系列健康 问题和投诉有关.这些健康问题包括呼吸道感官短暂不适,以至可危害生命的疾病,一般可分为以 下两大类别: 「病态楼宇综合症」 及 「楼宇相关疾病」 . Polluted indoor environments can lead to discomfort, such as headaches, eye irritation, breathing difficulties, skin allergies, fatigue, vomiting, and a series of acute or chronic symptoms and diseases. A significant amount of scientific evidence indicates that a range of health problems and complaints are associated with poor indoor air quality. The problems range from transient sensory irritation of the respiratory tract to diseases that can be life-threatening. These problems can generally be divided into the following two categories: Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and Building Related Illnesses (BRI). 「病态楼宇综合症」 是指因占用某指定楼宇而产生的一系列相关非特定症状的统称.有关症状包括: SBS is the name given to a range of non-speci?c symptoms associated with occupation of a particular building. The symptoms include: ? 眼睛不适和痕痒 Irritation and itching of the eyes ? 鼻腔及咽喉不适 Nose and throat irritation ? 流鼻水或鼻塞 Runny or congested nose ? 其他与感冒相似的徵状 Other ?u-like symptoms ? 胸部翳闷 Chest tightness ? 间歇性皮肤痕痒,并出现疹子 Itchy skin occasionally with the development of rash ? 头痛 Headaches ? 嗜眠 Lethargy ? 难於集中精神 Poor concentration ? 烦躁 Irritability 当离开有关楼宇后,症状会有所缓和,甚或完全消失.虽然 「病态楼宇综合症」 不会危害生命或导致 永久性伤残,但往往会导致较低的工作效率、较高的缺勤率及请病假次数和员工流失率增加. The symptoms tend to abate or disappear entirely when the a?ected personnel leave the building. Though SBS is not life-threatening or permanently disabling, it has often resulted in lower work performance, higher absenteeism and amount of sick leave taken and increased sta? turnover. 室内空气质素对健康的影响 Impact of Indoor Air Quality on Health 24118_Sedentary.indd

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5 12年9月20日 上午10:22 12年9月20日 上午10:22 「楼宇相关疾病」 是经临床诊断的疾病,其成因是与楼宇内的室内空气污染物有关.过敏性反应,例 如由若干品种的真菌所引致的过敏性局部急性肺炎;
