编辑: 木头飞艇 2019-09-11
Use Household Electrical Appliances Properly 家庭电器 正确使用 香港九龙启成街

3 号Electricity Legislation Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong 电话 Tel.

: (852)

1823 传真 Fax : (852)

2895 4929 网址 Homepage : www.emsd.gov.hk 电邮 E-mail : info@emsd.gov.hk 正确使用Proper Use 定期检修Regular Maintenance 安全用电Electrical Safety 正确使用Proper Use 定期检修Regular Maintenance 安全用电Electrical Safety 遵照说明书的指示,使用及定期保养电器 .清理前须先关掉电源,然后拔去插头. Adhere to the user manual in maintaining electrical appliances. Switch off power and unplug before cleaning. 切勿把耗电量大的电器插於同一插座. Do not plug electrical appliances with high power consumption into a singular socket outlet. 若发现电器损坏,或有异常噪音、 气味或震动,应立即停用及安排有 经验的技师检查及维修. Stop the appliance if damage or abnormal noise, smell, or vibration is detected, and arrange inspection and repair by an experienced technician. 使用电器前要先作检查,以确保电器 并没有损坏,特别是电器已有一段时 间未被使用. Check electrical appliances before use to ensure that they are not damaged, especially when the appliances have not been used for a prolonged period. 若电器长时间不使用,应把 电源关掉. Switch off power if an appliance is not used for a long time. 确保有足够的散 热空间. Ensure sufficient space for heat dissipation.
