编辑: yyy888555 2019-07-04
Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

1 tenx technology inc.

Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 TM57 系列 TM57PE12 DEMO CODE FOR TM57PE12 BASIC FUNCTIONS 范例 Application Note tenx reserves the right to change or discontinue the manual and online documentation to this product herein to improve reliability, function or design without further notice. Tenx does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein;

neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Tenx products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. If Buyer purchases or uses tenx products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold tenx and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors harmless against all claims, cost, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use even if such claim alleges that tenx was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

2 tenx technology inc. Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 修改记录 版本 日期 描述 V1.0 June,

2010 新颁. V1.1 April,

2011 修改文件格式. Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

3 tenx technology inc. Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 CONTENTS 修改记录.2 PRODUCT NAME.4 TITLE

4 APPLICATION NOTE.4 1. TM57PE12_INT0 与TM0 红外遥控解码范例

4 1-1. 范例说明

4 1-2. 线路图.5 1-3. 程序流程图.6 2. TM57PE12_PWM0 的应用范例.7 2-1. 范例说明

7 2-2. 线路图.7 2-3. 程序流程图.8 3. TM57PE12_TM2 唤醒的应用范例

9 3-1. 范例说明

9 3-2. 线路图.9 3-3. 程序流程图.10 4. TM57PE12_按键唤醒的应用范例

11 4-1. 范例说明

11 4-2. 线路图.11 4-3. 程序流程图.12 5. TM57PE12_速度模式切换范例.13 5-1. 范例说明

13 5-2. 线路图.14 5-3. 程序流程图.14 6. TM57PE12_外部中断唤醒应用范例.16 6-1. 范例说明

16 6-2. 线路图.16 6-3. 程序流程图.17 Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

4 tenx technology inc. Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 PRODUCT NAME TM57 系列 IC TITLE TM57PE12_ DEMO CODE FOR TM57PE12 BASIC FUNCTIONS TM57PE12_PWM0 的应用范例 TM57PE12_TM2 唤醒的应用范例 TM57PE12_按键唤醒的应用范例 TM57PE12_速度模式切换范例 TM57PE12_外部中断唤醒应用范例 APPLICATION NOTE 1. TM57PE12_INT0 与TM0 红外遥控解码范例 具体 DEMO 程序请参考 TM57PE12_INT0_TM0.ASM 1-1. 范例说明 1) Int0 口用作遥控信号接收脚(见线路图). 2) TM0 作抓码计时用,接收到正确的遥控编码将关断或打开指示灯 LED1(pbd,0 脚). 3) 遥控编码类型标准 uPD6122 格式. 4) 程序上电经过一序列初始化后,开启 Int0 与TM0 中断,然后一直等待,在中断服务程序 里面进行遥控解码的操作(详见程序文档). Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

5 tenx technology inc. Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 1-2. 线路图 Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

6 tenx technology inc. Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 1-3. 程序流程图 Advance Information AP-TM57PE12_01S

8 位微型控制器

7 tenx technology inc. Preliminary Rev 1.1, 2011/04/19 2. TM57PE12_PWM0 的应用范例 具体 DEMO 程序请参考 TM57PE12_PWM0.ASM 2-1. 范例说明 1) 每次按下 K1 键,PWM0 的波形周期将按
