编辑: LinDa_学友 2019-07-04
i 目录 Contents 页数 Page 绪言 Introduction

1 统计

图表 Statistical tables and charts

5 1.

二零零一年工业生产按年统计调查按行 业类别划分的所有机构单位主要统计数 字Principal statistics for all establishments covered in the

2001 Annual Survey of Industrial Production, by industry sector

7 2. 经营帐目 Operating accounts 2.1 二零零一年制造业的经营帐目 Operating account for the manufacturing sector,

2001 8 2.2 一九九一至二零零一年制造业的中间投 产消耗及增加价值(图) Intermediate consumption and value added for the manufacturing sector,

1991 -

2001 (chart)

10 2.3 一九九一至二零零一年制造业的雇员薪 酬及盈余总额(图) Compensation of employees and gross surplus for the manufacturing sector,

1991 -

2001 (chart)

10 2.4 二零零一年电力及燃气业的经营帐目 Operating account for the electricity and gas sector,

2001 11 3. 一九九九至二零零一年按行业大组别划 分的所有制造业机构单位选定主要统计 数字 Selected principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by broad industry group,

1999 -

2001 13 4. 二零零零及二零零一年按行业大组别划 分的生产总值成分(图) Gross output and its components, by broad industry group,

2000 &

2001 (chart)

15 5. 二零零一年按行业大组别划分的四项选 定主要统计数字百分比(图) Percentage shares of broad industry groups in terms of

4 selected principal statistics,

2001 (chart)

16 6. 二零零一年按拥有权类别划分的所有制 造业机构单位主要统计数字 Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by type of ownership,

2001 17 7. 二零零一年按外来投资百分比划分的所 有制造业机构单位主要统计数字 Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by percentage share of overseas interest,

2001 18 8. 二零零一年按区议会分区划分的所有制 造业机构单位主要统计数字 Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by District Council district,

2001 19 9. 二零零一年按增加价值划分的所有制造 业机构单位主要统计数字 Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by value added,

2001 21 10. 二零零一年按主要行业组别及生产总值 划分的所有制造业机构单位主要统计数 字Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by major industry group by gross output,

2001 22 ii 目录(续) Contents (cont'

d.) 页数 Page 11. 二零零一年按主要行业组别及就业人数 划分的所有制造业机构单位主要统计数 字Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by major industry group by number of persons engaged,

2001 32 12. 一九九一至二零零一年制造业机构单位 的平均就业人数(图) Average number of persons engaged per establishment in the manufacturing sector,

1991 -

2001 (chart)

41 13. 一九九一至二零零一年就业人数超过一 百人的制造业机构单位数目(图) Number of establishments engaging more than

100 persons in the manufacturing sector,

1991 -

2001 (chart)

41 14. 二零零一年按行业组别划分的所有制造 业机构单位主要统计数字 Principal statistics for all manufacturing establishments, by industry group,

2001 42 15. 二零零零至二零零一年按主要行业组别 划分的所有制造业机构单位生产总值的 投入成分 Input contents of gross output for all manufacturing establishments, by major industry group,
