编辑: xiaoshou 2019-07-04

4 Common sintering technology for the preparation of AlN ceramics [3,26-28,35] Sintering process Advantage Disadvantage Pressureless sintering Simple equipment;

low cost High Sintering temperature;

low density of sintered body Hot press sintering Materials with high density and good performance Not suitable for complex shape of the products SPS sintering Short sintering time;

low sintering temperature Not suitable for large size;

high cost Microwave sintering High efficiency;

energy saving ? 1.4.1 无压烧结:无压烧结是 AlN 陶瓷烧结中最简单也是最常用的一种方法, 一般烧结温度在 1600?C ~ 2000?C 之间[21] . Liu 等[26] 以YF3-CaF3 为烧结助剂, 在氮气保护下 1650?C 烧结制得了热导率为

187 W?m?1 ?K?1 的AlN 陶瓷. YF3-CaF3 在烧结过程中与 Al2O3 反应并形成第二相, 最终移动到晶界位置, 净化 AlN 晶格 的同时促进了烧结体致密化, 从而提高 AlN 陶瓷的热导率.Watari 等[........
