编辑: 鱼饵虫 2019-07-04
新版慧择户外无忧户外运动保险--全年计划A STARR Outdoor Sport Insurance Annual Plan A 史带财险全球救援服务热线: +86-400-820-7031 保单号 Policy No:

1004301167 投保人 Policyholder: 张三 生效日 Policy Effective Date: 2015-12-28 00:00:00 出单日期 Date of Issue: 2015-11-20 11:02:01 到期日 Policy Expiry Date: 2016-12-27 23:59:59 目的地 Destination: 保险项目 Basic Benefits 保额(人民币) Maximum Limit(RMB) 意外身故、残疾 Accident death and dismemberment 100,000 急性病身故 Acute sickness death 10,000 意外医疗(每次事故按80%赔付) 20,000 中暑医疗补偿 Sunstroke medical reimbursement 1,000 高原病医疗补偿 Plateau Sickness medical reimbursement 1,000 食物中毒医疗补偿 Food poisoning medical reimbursement 1,000 紧急医疗运送和送返 Medical Evacuation & Repatriation 60,000 身故运返(其中丧葬保险金以16,000元为限) Repatriation of remains(Limit of Death condolences is RMB16000) 16,000 领队个人责任(每人意外伤害赔偿限额以10万为限) 200,000 备注 Notes: * 所有的保险责任及条款均以史带财产保险股份有限公司签发的正式保险合同之相应条款为准.

投保单与报价单(如有)、保险条款、保险单、批单或批注(如有)及其它约定书均为保险合同的 构成部分. All insurance benefits and terms and conditions shall be subject to the corresponding terms and conditions stated in a formal insurance policy issued by STARR P&C Insurance Company Limited of China. Application Form and Quotation Form(if any), all terms and conditions, schedule, endorsements or comments (if any) and other agreements constitute the entire Insurance Policy. * 被保险人的投保年龄为18到65周岁. The age of insured is from

18 to

65 years old. * 按中国保监会规定,18周岁以下的未成年人身故保险金额以10万元为限. Specified by China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the death benefit limit for person under

18 years old is RMB 100,000. * 如保险期间为一年,每次承保旅程最长期限为30天. The maximum length of each insured trip is

30 days if the insurance period is one year. * 以上保障利益承保下列免核保运动项目:海拔6000米以下的休闲旅游、远足徒步、登山运动、山地穿越、露营、固定路线洞穴体验、野外生存、徒步穿越无人区(沙漠、戈壁等);

定向运动 、拓展活动、场地趣味活动;

自行车运动、山地自行车越野、场地/ 越野轮滑、自驾车旅行;


人工/自然场地攀岩 及下降、攀冰、滑雪运动;

骑马游玩、马术培训、马术比赛(竞速赛、绕桶赛) The above insurance plan covers sports category: Below an altitude of 6,000 meters including tourism, hiking, mountaineering, hiking through mountain, camping, fixed routes caving, wildness survival, hiking through uninhabited region (desert and gobi, etc.) ;

Orienteering, outreach, site fun activity ;

Biking, cross-country mountain biking, artificial site /cross-country mountain roller skating, self-driving tour ;

Swimming, diving (descending to depths no more than

18 meters), river trekking, rowing, sailing, boardsailing, canoeing, rafting ;

Rock climbing and declining in artificial/natural site, ice climbing, skiing ;

Horse riding for fun, equestrian training, equestrian event (racing and barrel racing) * 如果参加下列高风险运动项目,除非保险公司同意,否则不予承保:海拔6000米以上的攀登、滑雪、高山滑翔、跳伞、极地探险,非固定路线洞穴探险、蹦极、自由式潜水(下潜深度超过18 米,无水下呼吸设备) Unless approved and underwritten by insurance company, following high risk sports are not covered: Over an altitude of 6,000 meters including mountaineering, skiing, alpine gliding, parachuting, polar expedition, non-fixed routes caving, bungee jumping, free diving (descending to depths more than
