编辑: jingluoshutong 2019-07-04

1 - 经络腧穴学(02.


1 经络腧穴学(

17 刺法灸法学(

33 刺法灸法学(

39 针灸治疗学(

44 针灸学(

52 针灸学(

60 针灸医经选读(

65 实验针灸推拿学(

73 中医工程技术与应用(

80 推拿手法学一(

88 推拿手法学二(

95 推拿手法学(

100 针灸推拿专业英语(

108 嵌入式计算机系统(

112 生物医学工程导论(

117 数字信号处理(

121 单片机原理与应用(

126 医学物理学(

131 生物医学工程实习(

137 生物医学工程实习报告(

141 信号与线性系统(

145 目录-2--1-

一、课程一般信息 课程编号 : 课程名称 : 经络腧穴学 开课学院 : 针灸推拿学院 课程类型 : 专业基础课 学分 : 6.5 学时 :

91 前期课程 : 中医基础理论 正常人体解剖学 授课对象 : 针灸推拿专业学生

二、课程基本要求(或课程简介) 经络腧穴学是针灸学的基础理论和核心内容,是针灸推拿专业学生的专业基础课程和必修课.本科 先修课程是中医基础理论和正常人体解剖学,后期将继续学习刺法灸法学以及针灸治疗学.本门课程是 针灸推拿学专业学生学到的第一门重要的专业基础课,又与临床实践密切相关,具有沟通基础与临床的 桥梁作用. 本课程的教学内容分经络腧穴概论和经络腧穴各论两部分.经络腧穴概论系统阐述经络腧穴的基本 概念、经络系统的组成内容及其分布概况,腧穴的定位方法、分类、作用以及腧穴主治的基本规律 ;

经 络腧穴各论主要讲述经脉的循行、病候及与腧穴的定位、主治及刺灸方法.通过本课程的教学,使学生 全面了解针灸学的概貌及其分支,基本掌握经络腧穴的概念和相关的专业名词,充分理解十二经脉和奇 经八脉的循行,并能在人体上准确地对常用十四经穴和经外奇穴进行定位.通过本课程的学习,使学生 全面、系统地掌握经络腧穴学的基本理论、基本知识和运用技能,为今后学习刺灸学、推拿学及和临床 各科打好扎实的基础. Syllabus for Channels and Acupoints 1. Basic Information Course Number : Course Name : Channels and Acupoints School : School of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina Type of Course : Professional Basic Course Credits : 6.5 Teaching Hours :

91 Prerequisite courses: Fundamental Theory of TCM, Human Anatomy Target Students : Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina Major Students 2. Course Description and Expectation Channels and Acupoints is a basic and core course for study of acupuncture and moxibustion. It is a professional basic course and compulsory for acupuncture-moxibustion and tuina major students to study. Students are required to learn Fundamental Theory of TCM and Human Anatomy before Channels and Acupoints, and will continue with Needling and Moxibustion Techniques and Acupuncture-Moxibustion Therapeutics. As an essential part to professional study of acupuncture and moxibustion, this course is closely relevant to clinical practice, bridging the gap between theoretical and clinical study. 《经络腧穴学》教学大纲 -

2 - This course is composed of two parts, namely, a general introduction to the theory and speci?c study of each channel and its acupoints. In the general introduction, students will learn the basic concepts and de?nitions of channels and acupoints, the composition and distribution of channel system;
