编辑: 麒麟兔爷 2019-07-03
《设计初步》课程教学大纲 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码 (Course Code) GA208 *学时 (Credit Hours)

32 *学分 (Credits)

2 *课程名称 (Course Title) (中文)设计初步 (英文)Beginning Landscape Design *课程性质 (Course Type) 专业教育课程――基础类 授课对象 (Target Audience) 本科生 *授课语言 (Language of Instruction) 汉语 *开课院系 (School) 农业与生物学院园林系 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 美术 授课教师 (Instructor) 陈丹 课程网址 (Course Webpage) *课程简介(Description) 本课程为园林专业本科生的学科基础课.

课程的主要目的:是培 养园林徒手表现、园林工具表现技法及园林初步设计理论与技能.课 程结合理论讲授与课程设计.本课程分为五个部分:第一部分是绪论, 是本课程的准备知识.包括本课程简介及徒手线条、工具线条抄绘;

第二部分是园林不同要素(绿化、建筑、道路、地形、水体)的平立 面徒手线条表现技法.含平面图例在不同比例下的表现;

第三部分是 有关园林渲染色彩表现,即彩色渲染技法和园林钢笔淡彩表现技法;

第四部分是园林方案创作过程知识,阐述如何进行平面构成、方案比 选及泡泡图分析图示技法;

第五部分是测绘、课程设计及其模型制作. 本课程的教学目标,要求初步掌握相应的理论与实践能力;

建立 园林设计师的尺度观,培养空间想象力,综合及创新性解决设计问题 的能力. *课程简介(Description) This course is scheduled for undergraduate candidates of Landscape Architecture Department to begin landscape design. The purpose of the course is to practice the skills of cartographical sketching, drawing by stationeries and so on. Most of classes involves practices and theories. The course involves five parts. The first part is introduction. This part will provide preparing knowledge. The candidates will practice both freehand and stationery sketch;

The second is how to express every elements of landscape together with different legends under different scales by hand;

The third part is rendering by water color. It involves its skills and colorful pen drawing;

The forth one is how to present a concept design. The part will illustrate how to create a pattern, optimize a layout and present analytical drawing. The last one is survey and landscape design in small scape, furthermore, to make its model. The purpose of the course is for candidates to master relative theories and practices preliminarily, to build their sense of design scale, to cultivate their space imagination and to solve design problems in creative way. 课程教学大纲(course syllabus) *学习目标(Learning Outcomes) 1.熟悉园林设计的基本理论;


5、B10 2.掌握园林设计的表现技法;

B10 3.树立设计的尺度感、培养空间想象力;


5、C4 4.培养综合解决、创新型解决设计问题的能力.B



2、C6 *教学内容、进度安排及 要求 (Class Schedule &Requirements) 教学内容 学时 教学方式 作业及要求 基本要求 考查方式 诸论、园林设计的中 外发展历程

2 讲课 准备绘图工具与纸 张 阅读文献 课后设计作业 园林要素设计表现 1:植物平立面画法 与种植设计;

4 讲课,穿插课程设 计 植物平、立面绘制 与种植平面设计. 特别是

20 种以上 典型种树的绘制(A2) 严格的图纸尺 寸、线条规范 课后设计作业 园林要素设计表现 2:水景设计与表现;
