编辑: sunny爹 2019-07-03
18 保险合同号码Policy No.


10 慧择测试保单 年YYYY 时Hrs ( 北京时间 Beijing Time ) 计划一 Plan

1 日DD 23:59:59 美亚"畅游神州"境内旅行保障计划 Domestic JourneySafe Travel Protection Plan 总保险费Total Premium: 25.00 保险合同生效日Policy Effective Date: 时Hrs ( 北京时间 Beijing Time ) 日DD 投保人Policyholder: 保险计划 Insurance Plan: CNY

18 00:00:00 年YYYY

10 LSZAT64226 月MM 保险合同满期日Policy Expiry Date: 月MM

2018 2018 保险单POLICYSCHEDULE200,000 旅行延误 (每5小时延误赔偿额:CNY200) Travel Delay (CNY200 for every

5 hours of delay) 80,000 备注Notes: * 为了保障您的利益,请在收到本保险单一周内拨打我公司服务热线400

820 8858核实保险单资料,包括保险单所列示的销售人员或销售中介机构信息.In order to protect your interests, please call our service hotline

400 820

8858 within one week upon receipt of policy to verify policy information, including the information of the salesperson or agency. * 任何年龄在18周岁以下的被保险人,如果其以死亡为给付保险金条件的保险金额(包括在所有商业保险公司所购买的保险)超出中国保监会所规定的限额(即不满10周岁的,为人民币20万元;

已满10周岁但未满18周岁的,为人民币50万元)须特别告知,否则保险公司可能对超出限额的部分不承担保险责任. The special notice should be given to the insurer where the death benefit offered by all the commercial insurance policies for any insured under

18 years old exceed such death benefit limit as specified by China Insurance Regulatory Commission (viz. CNY200,000 if aged under

10 years old or CNY500,000 if aged at 10-17 years old), otherwise, the insurer may not be liable for any amount in excess of the regulatory limit. * 若被保险人没有公费医疗、社会基本医疗保险、其他费用补偿型医疗保险或被保险人未从公费医疗、社会基本医疗保险、其他费用补偿型医疗保险取得医药费用补偿,则本保险公司按上述 "境内旅行的疾病医药补偿"项下保险金额为限承担保险责任.若被保险人拥有且从公费医疗、社会基本医疗保险或其他费用补偿型医疗保险取得医药费用补偿,则本保险公司在"境内旅行的 疾病医药补偿"项下承担的保险责任以本保障项目项下该被保险人相应的保险金额的百分之一百零五为限.The Company shall reimburse the Insured Person up to the above mentioned limit under "Sickness Medical Reimbursement for Domestic Travel" on the condition that the Insured Person has no social medical insurance or other expenses reimbursement medical insurance or has not got reimbursement from the aforesaid insurance. If the Insured Person has got reimbursement from social medical insurance or other expenses reimbursement medical insurance, the Company shall reimburse the Insured Person up to 105% of the limit under "Sickness Medical Reimbursement for Domestic Travel" applicable to such Insured Person. * 单次旅行的保障期限最长为45天.如保险期间为一年,每次旅行的保障期限最长为30天.For single trip plan, maximum duration for each journey is

45 days. For annual plan, maximum duration for each journey is

30 days. * 本保险不承保任何国家或国际组织认定的恐怖分子或恐怖组织成员,或非法从事毒品、核武器、生物或化学武器交易人员.This policy will not cover any terrorist or member of a terrorist organization, narcotics trafficker, or illegal purveyor of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons defined by any country or international organization. * 为了保障您自身的权益,请仔细阅读理解保险合同的各项规定,尤其是免除保险人责任的规定.保险条款可通过本公司业务人员获得或登陆保险公司网站 http://www.aig.com.cn/ 查阅.您 可致电客户服务
