编辑: bingyan8 2019-07-02

而达致重建社会行为的理想,则需要课程的延续 才可能收效.

三、在研拟与实施课程中,须不断加以反思、修正以及行动,以使课程更趋完善. 研究者尤其提出研究历程的重要省思转变,诸如体认需接纳合作学习中的歧 见、反思少数服从多数的迷思、调整主要活动顺序的考量,以及接纳与鼓励 多种语言的学习环境等. 最后根芯拷崧,对於实施多元文化课程的教育行政机关、教师以及后续 研究等方面,均提出相关建议以供参考. 关键词 关键词 关键词 关键词: : : :多元文化教育、课程设计、行动研究 II An Action Research of Curriculum Design and Implementation on Multicultural Education HO IN IN Abstract This research aimed to the design and implement a multicultural curriculum for the forth grade'

s students. The main purposes were first, to analyze the problems and situations, to design and construct the curriculum, and to use important multicultural concepts to evaluate the students'

learning. The following conclusions are made based upon the findings of this research. 1. After the analysis of situation, the researcher found the problems which students confronted in the local multicultural school, then try to design the 4-grade multicultural curriculum. At first, the researcher reviewed literature and defined concepts of multicultural education, then constructed and developed the curriculum Together with happiness, along with closeness . It contained four main developed activities such as I am different from you , We are living in Macau , This is our class , and The world is small because we are close to one another . 2. The designed curriculum was implemented by multiple teaching activities, abundant learning materials, and learning environment with diversity.The result of this action project for the multicultural curriculum reflected the effects of students'

learning. The most obvious learning changes of multicultural concepts were the diversity of ethnicity, religion and culture, the collective contribution, and the social responsibility. Besides, the researcher found that the curriculum needed to be continued if we want to see the outcome of students'

reconstructive social action. 3. The researcher did the reflective thinking through the process of curriculum design and implementation. For example, the important transformative reflection were the accepting attitude toward different voices in the co-operative learning environment, the reflection of the myth of following the most, the considerateon of the sequences of the activities, and the supportive attitude toward multi-language learning environment. III Finally according to the conclusions, the researcher made her own reflection. And, specific suggestions are proposed for the references of administrative educational institutions and teachers who want to design and implement multicultural curriculum. Recommendations also rendered for the follow-up researches. Keywords: multicultural education, curriculum design, action research IV 目目目目录录录录




第一章 绪论 绪论 绪论 绪论-1

第一节 研究动机-1

第二节 研究目的-6

第三节 名词界定-6

第四节 研究围-9




第二章 文献探讨 文献探讨 文献探讨 文献探讨-9

第一节 多元文化教育的意义-9

第二节 课程发展的模式-12

第三节 多元文化课程的设计与实施-17


