编辑: 王子梦丶 2019-07-02
>> ASV-NSC SEC430R4 (100315) W Account No.

AGREEMENT FOR MARKET DATA DISPLAY SERVICES 市场数允痉裥 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ("HSBC") ("Vendor") agrees to make "Market Data" available to you pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. By executing this Agreement in the space indicated below, you ("Subscriber") agree to comply with those terms and conditions. 香港上海蠓嵋杏邢薰尽蠓帷(下称「供应商」)同意根拘樗氐奶蹩詈吞跫蚋 下提供「市场数.透过於下文所列位置签署本协议,阁下(下称「订户」)「订户」)同意 遵从此等条款和条件. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF GENERAL APPLICABILITY 一般适用条款和条件 1. MARKET DATA DEFINITION C For all purposes of this Agreement, "Market Data" means (a) last sale information and quotation information relating to securities that are admitted to dealings on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), (b) such bond and other equity last sale and quotation information, and such index and other market information, as United States-registered national securities exchanges and national securities associations (each, an "Authorizing SRO") may make available and as the NYSE may from time to time designate as "Market Data";

and (c) all information that derives from any such information. 1. 市场数亩ㄒ ― 就本协议而言,「市场数故侵(a)有关获准在纽约证券交易所(下称 「纽约证券交易所」)买卖的证券的最新出售资料和报价资料;

(b)在美国注册的各个全国性证 券交易所和全国性证券协会(各称为「授权自律监管组织」)提供且可由纽约证券交易所不时指 定为「市场数沟恼推渌扇ǖ淖钚鲁鍪圩柿虾捅圩柿弦约爸甘推渌谐∽柿;

以及 (c)所有由任何上述资料衍生出来的资料. 2. PROPRIETARY NATURE OF DATA C Subscriber understands and acknowledges that each Authorizing SRO and Other Data Disseminator has a proprietary interest in the Market Data that originates on or derives from it or its market(s). 2. 数乃腥ㄐ灾 ― 订户明白并承认,每一授权自律监管组织及其他数⒉颊哂涤性醋 其本身或其市场或由其本身或其市场衍生出来的市场数乃腥ㄒ. 3. ENFORCEMENT C Subscriber understands and acknowledges that (a) the Authorizing SROs are third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and (b) the Authorizing SROs or their authorized representative(s) may enforce this Agreement, by legal proceedings or otherwise, against Subscriber or any person that obtains Market Data that is made available pursuant to this Agreement other than as this Agreement contemplates. Subscriber shall pay the reasonable attorney's fees that any Authorizing SRO incurs in enforcing this Agreement against Subscriber. 3. 强制执行 ― 订户明白并承认:(a)授权自律监管组织是本协议下的第三方受益人,并且(b) 授权自律监管组织或其获授权代表可透过法律程序或其他途径对订户或并非按本协议规定取得 根拘樗峁┑氖谐∈娜魏稳耸壳恐浦葱斜拘. 任何授权自律监管组织针对订户强制 执行本协议所招致的合理律师费,应由订户支付. SEC430R4 (100315) W 4. DATA NOT GUARANTEED C Subscriber understands that no Authorizing SRO, no other entity whose information is made available over the Authorizing SROs' facilities (an "Other Data Disseminator") and no information processor that assists any Authorizing SRO or Other Data Disseminator in making Market Data available (collectively, the "Disseminating Parties") guarantees the timeliness, sequence, accuracy or completeness of Market Data or of other market information or messages disseminated by any Disseminating Party. Neither Subscriber nor any other person shall hold any Disseminating Party liable in any way for (a) any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of, (i) any such data, information or message or (ii) the transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message, or (b) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (i) any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, (ii) non-performance or (iii) interruption in any such data, information or message, due either to any negligent act or omission by any Disseminating Party, to any "force majeure" (e.g., flood, extraordinary weather conditions, earthquake or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, communications or power failure, equipment or software malfunction) or to any other cause beyond the reasonable control of any Disseminating Party. 4. 资料不获保证 ― 订户明白,任何授权自律监管组织、透过授权自律监管组织的设施提供资 料的任何其他团体(下称「其他数⒉颊摺)以及协助任何授权自律监管组织或其他数⒉ 者提供市场数娜魏巫柿洗碚(三者统称「发布者」)均不对市场数蛉魏畏⒉颊叻⒉嫉 其他市场资料或资讯的及时、有序、准确或完整作任何担保.订户及任何其他人士均不得以任何 形式要求发布方就以下各项承担法律责任:(a)(i)任何该等数⒆柿匣蜓断⒒(ii)任何数⒆ 料或讯息的传送或发送,出现任何不准确、错误、延迟或遗漏,或(b)由於任何发布方的任何疏 忽作为或不作为,或「不可抗力」(如水灾、特殊天气情况、地震或其他天灾、火灾、战争、暴动、动乱、劳资纠纷、意外、政府行动、通讯或电力故障、设备或软件失灵),或超出任何发布 方合理控制围的任何其他原因, 导致(i)任何该等数 资料或讯息不准确、 错误、 延迟或遗漏;
