编辑: 贾雷坪皮 2019-07-02
2012 Jia Wenjuan | Zhongshan University HARVARD-YENCHING INSTITUTE WORKING PAPER SERIES - 劳动热情与弄虚作假 ――计划经济时期生产过程中生产者与国家权力 的一致、分歧与互动 LABOR ENTHUSIASM AND DECEPTION Labor Enthusiasm and Deception Jia Wenjuan Abstract Based on archival documents from TY Factory in 1953-73 as well as interviews with elderly workers, this paper presents a contradiction in Mao era industrial production;

on the one hand, people threw themselves into production with enthusiasm while, on the other hand, fraud was widespread.

Existing studies of the work unit have difficulty explaining this phenomenon. This paper begins with the convergence and divergence in the aims of the state and the producers within the industrial work units, arguing that even if the state and the direct producers both recognized socialist ideology and the importance of production, the former put more emphasis on modernization and international competition whereas the latter put more emphasis on raising their own standard of living and other direct benefits. When the state forcibly promoted an agenda of modernization to the point of harming the work unit community and people'

s interests, the people would resist state interference through pragmatic practices intended to garner more resources from higher levels of the system. However, in contrast to the situation in rural village communities, the author finds the ability of the producers at TY Factory to employ pragmatic practices was due to the leading position of heavy industrial production in the national economy. The TY Factory workers'

use of deception was not a form of proactive resistance but rather an adaptation C precisely because of the benefits gained by employing these methods they were integrated into the state system of production. 劳动热情与弄虚作假 ――计划经济时期生产过程中生产者与国家权力的一致、分歧与互动 贾文娟 中山大学社会学系 哈佛燕京学社访问学者、哈佛大学法学院劳动与工作访问学者 [摘要]通过对TY 厂1953-1973 年档案资料的查阅以及对老工人的口述史访谈,本文发现毛泽 东时代工业生产中的一个矛盾现象:一方面,人们热火朝天地参与到生产中去;

另一方面, 弄虚 作假、阳奉阴违等现象却也层出不穷.原有的 单位研究 范式在解释该现象时存在困难.本 文从国家的意愿与工业单位中生产者的意愿之间的一致与分歧入手, 认为尽管国家同直接生 产者都认同社会主义意识形态和生产的重要性,但是前者更为关注 现代化 与 国际竞争 层面, 而后者更为关注自身生活水平提高与直接的感受. 当国家强行推行现代化项目并因此损 害了单位社区以及人们的利益时,人们会通过 实践技能 来对抗国家权力的干预,并尽量从 上级部门获取更多资源.然而,通过与农村社区的对比,笔者发现 TY 厂生产者之所能够顺 利运用 实践技能 也是因为重工业生产在国民经济中的主导地位,而TY 厂工人的弄虚作假 并非积极的反抗, 而只是积极地适应――正因为能够通过这些手段获取利益, 他们反而被整 合到了国家的生产体制之中.

一、问题的提出 从数字上来看,计划经济时期中国工业发展速度是惊人的:1952-1957 年,中国工业发 展速度达到了 18%的年增长率,国家工业产值几乎翻了一番.在1963-1965 年大跃进之后的 恢复时期, 工业生产也以平均每年 11%的速度增长, 劳动生产率每年平均提高 5.5%. 在1957 年, 即便经历了文革非正常时期,
