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2009 从综合住户统计调查搜集所得的社会资料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey 有关本刊物的查询,请联络: 政府统计处 综合住户统计调查组

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2508 1501 E-mail : special-topics@censtatd.gov.hk 政府统计处网站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department www.censtatd.gov.hk 二零零九年十一月 November

2009 第五十一号专题报告书 Special Topics Report No.

51 本刊物备有印刷版和下载版可供选择.有关获取本刊物的方法,请参阅第68页. This publication is available in both print version and download version. Please refer to page

68 for the means of obtaining this publication. 非从事经济活动人士 若遇上合适工作时会接受工作的意愿 Desire of economically inactive persons for taking up jobs if being offered suitable employment 目录 Contents 从综合住户统计调查搜集所得的社会资料 - iii - Social data collected via the General Household Survey 第五十一号专题报告书 Special Topics Report No.

51 页数 Page 背景 Background v 统计调查结果摘要 Summary of survey findings vii 统计

图表目录表 List of tables and charts x 引言 Introduction

1 概念及定义 Concepts and definitions

3 专题访问的主要结果 Major findings of the enquiry

5 附录 Appendices 一 统计调查方法

1 Survey methodology

46 二 用语及定义

2 Terms and definitions

50 三 曾出版的从综合住户统计调 查搜集所得的社会资料专题 报告书

3 Previously published Special Topics Reports on social data collected via the General Household Survey

57 获取政府统计处刊物及其他统计产 品的方法 Means of obtaining publications and other statistical products of the Census and Statistics Department

68 邮购表格 Mail order form

69 背景 Background 从综合住户统计调查搜集所得的社会资料 - v - Social data collected via the General Household Survey 第五十一号专题报告书 Special Topics Report No.

51 这是专题报告书系列中的第五十一号,列载透 过「综合住户统计调查」进行的专题访问所搜 集得的资料. This is the fifty-first issue in a series of Special Topics Reports to present the results of supplementary enquiries conducted via the General Household Survey (GHS). 目的 Objective 「综合住户统计调查」是一项自一九八一年八 月开始持续进行的抽样统计调查,旨在搜集有 关劳动人口、就业、失业及就业不足的资料. 另一方面,专题访问是透过「综合住户统计调 查」以非经常性的形式进行,目的是搜集政府 各决策局与部门所需有关各类社会专题的特定 统计资料. The GHS is a continuous sample survey which has been conducted since August 1981. Its primary objective is to collect information on the labour force, employment, unemployment and underemployment. On the other hand, the supplementary enquiries attached to the GHS are conducted on an ad hoc basis to collect specified statistical data on a wide range of social topics required by Government bureaux and departments. 本报告书所包括的专题 Topic included in this report 专题 (访问期间) Topic (Enquiry period) 非从事经济活动人士若遇上合适工作时会接受 工作的意愿 (二零零九年一月至三月) Desire of economically inactive persons for taking up jobs if being offered suitable employment (January to March 2009) 数字进位 Rounding of figures 由於四舍五入关系,统计

图表内个别项目的数 字加起来可能与总数略有出入. There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the tables and charts owing to rounding. 代号 Symbol 本报告书内所用代号的含意如下: The following symbols are used throughout the report : § 由於抽样误差甚大,数目少於

1 000 的估计(包括数值为零的数字)或基於 这些估计而编制的相关统计数字(如 百分比和比率),在本报告书的统计 表内不予公布. § Estimates less than

1 000 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g. percentages and rates) are not released due to very large sampling errors. - 代表「零」 - denotes Nil 曾出版的专题报告书 Previously published Special Topics Reports 附录三列出过往曾出版的本系列中各号专题报 告书. The list of past Special Topics Reports published in this series is given in Appendix 3. 统计调查结果摘要 Summary of survey findings 从综合住户统计调查搜集所得的社会资料 - vii - Social data collected via the General Household Survey 第五十一号专题报告书 Special Topics Report No.

51 ? 在二零零九年一月至三月期间,约有

163 500 名没有从事经济活动、但若遇上 有人聘请其做一份合适的工作则愿意工作 的十五岁及以上人士.他们占在统计时整 体十五岁及以上非从事经济活动人口的 7.0%. (表1) ? During January to March 2009, there were

163 500 persons aged

15 and over who were economically inactive but were willing to take up jobs if being offered suitable employment. They represented 7.0% of the total economically inactive population aged

15 and over at the time of enumeration. (Table 1) ? 该163

500 人并不符合被界定为失业人士 的条件.他们在统计前七天内不能随时工 作,或在统计前三十天内并没有找寻工 作.尤其是他们不找寻工作的原因(如适 用)并非他们「相信没有工作可做」,所以 他们不被视为「因灰心而不求职的人士」 (失业人士的其中一类). (表2b) ? Those

163 500 persons did not fulfil the criteria for being classified as unemployed. They were either not available for work during the

7 days before enumeration, or had not sought work during the

30 days before enumeration. In particular, the reason for their not seeking work (where applicable) was not that they believed that work was not available , a........
