编辑: sunny爹 2019-07-01
Regulator Selection, Installation, and Operation 减压阀的选择、安装和操作 The primary function of a regulator is to reduce high-pressure gas in a cylinder or process line to a lower, usable level as it passes from the cylinder to a piece of equipment.

A regulator is not a flow control device. It is used to control delivery pressure only. 减压器的主要功能是, 当钢瓶或过程管道内的高压气体从钢瓶流向设备时, 把压力降到较低的可 用的水平.调整器不是流量控制装置.它只能用来控制输出压力. Since there are numerous hazards associated with specialty gases―hazards that vary with the gas, the equipment used, and with the particular application―it is necessary to take the proper precautions to assure safety in high-pressure gas control. 因为同特种气体相联系的危险很多,而且随气体、使用的设备和特定的应用而变化,有必要采取 适当的措施来确保高压气体控制的安全. Before performing any operation with which you are not familiar, seek the advice of an experienced individual. In addition to adhering to the safety and operating rules provided here, the user should be aware of the additional safe operating practices peculiar to each piece of equipment and each application. Consult sales office when in doubt about correct handling procedures. 在进行任何你不熟悉的操作之前,找有经验的人咨询一下.除了坚持这里提供的操作规则以外, 使用者还应该了解设备的每一部分和每个用途特有的其它安全操作惯例. 当对正确的操作程序有 疑问是,请向销售部门咨询. Never use any regulator for gases other than those for which it is intended. 禁止使用不是用于该气体的任何调整器. The following is applicable to pressure regulators used with flammable, oxidant, corrosive, inert, or toxic gases, when it is necessary to reduce cylinder supply pressure to a lower use pressure. 当有必要把钢瓶供应压力降到较低的使用压力时,下文对于用于易燃、氧化剂、腐蚀性、惰性或 毒性气体的压力调整器是可以适用的. How Regulators Work 减压器怎样工作的 Single-Stage Regulators 单级减压器 High-pressure media enter the regulator through the inlet into the high-pressure chamber (see Fig. 1). When the adjusting knob is turned clockwise, it compresses the range spring and exerts a force on the diaphragm, which pushes the valve stem open. This releases gas into the low-pressure chamber, exerting an opposing force on the diaphragm. An equilibrium is reached when the spring force on the diaphragm is equal to the opposing force of the gas in the low-pressure chamber. 高压介质通过入口进入高压腔(见图1).当调节钮顺时针方向旋转时,它压缩距离弹簧,从而 对隔膜施加了一个力,推开了阀杆.这就把气体放进了低压腔,对隔膜施加了一个反方向的力. 当弹簧施加在隔膜上的力等于低压腔内气体的反作用力时,就达到了平衡. In a single-stage regulator, delivery pressure increases as cylinder pressure decays, because there is less gas pressure exerted on the valve stem. Thus, frequent adjustment of the control knob is required to maintain constant delivery pressure. This does not pose a problem, however, with pipelines and liquefied gas products where inlet pressure is maintained relatively constant. 在单级减压器里, 输出压力随钢瓶压力的减小而增大, 这是因为施加在阀门系统上的气体压力减 小了.因此经常要调整控制钮,以维持恒定的输出压力.但是,对于入口压力相对恒定的管道和 液化气体产品而言,这不是一个问题. Two-Stage Regulators 两级减压器 A two-stage regulator functions similarly to two, single-stage regulators in series. The first stage reduces inlet pressure to a preset intermediate pressure, typically
