编辑: 紫甘兰 2019-07-01

10044 台湾台北市中正区延平南路

77 号8楼R812 财团法人西莲教育基金会收. 请在此下载 授权书 (MS Word 格式) 划拨捐款 邮政划拨帐号:19538811 户名:财团法人西莲教育基金会 欲指定特殊用途者,请特别注明,我们会专款专用. 线上信用卡 / PayPal 捐款 PayPal 是一个跨国线上付款机制的公司,CBETA 引用其服务,提供网友能在线上使用信用卡或 PayPal 帐户赞助 CBETA . PayPal is an online system of a global payment solution. CBETA uses its service to provide the uses to donate by using the credit cards or PayPal account to support the CBETA project. 相关收⑹乱,由於付款币别为美元,我们除了会依您所赞助之美元金额开立收,另我们会依捐款当日公告汇率开立台 币收,此收谡胶戏ūㄋ捌局. Since the donation made is in US currency, hence all the receipts will be issued in the US dollars consequently. However for the domestic donators, a Chinese official receipt will also be made according to the foreign exchange rate for the purpose of tax deduction. 线上信用卡 / PayPal 赞助 支票捐款 支票抬头请填写「财团法人西莲教育基金会」. CBETA is part of Seeland Educational projects, any donation (ex- cheques, remittance, etc.,) please entitle to The Seeland Education Foundation . ........
