编辑: 645135144 2019-07-01

keep to the facts. An interviewer may be interested in all your experience but will be most interested in the skills you have which relate to the job for which you are applying. Do not be afraid to ask questions if you don'

t understand something the interviewer has said. You will want to know as much as possible about the job and asking questions is the best way to find out. The interviewer will close when he or she has enough information. Do not try to extend the interview unless you have an important point which has not been covered, in which case you should cover it as briefly as possible. Answering the Questions A helpful outline for answering interview questions is provided by the S.T.A.R. (situation, task, action and result) method. Using this method, you would respond to an interview question with an example of a situation or a task for which you were responsible. You would then describe briefly and precisely the actions you took in this situation or task. Finally, emphasise specific results or accomplishments. Always speak in the first person when describing a situation. Whenever possible, try to articulate the value of the experience in terms of how it has prepared you for the position for which you are interviewing. Do not be concerned if the interviewer is taking notes during the interview. 1.上海所 par 面经历(11.4) http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-53210-1-1.html 我的 kpmg par 面经历(11.4) 今天下午参加的 par 面,无论结果如何,我都要感谢 kpmg 给我的一次次机会.另外也 要感谢这个论坛,在这里我看了很多前辈的面经,获得了不少帮助,为了感谢大家,也为了 纪念一下我第一个艰辛的求职经历,我决定把我的 par 面经历写出来,供大家参考. 提前

10 分钟到了

50 楼,休息了一下,和其他人聊了一会,就被秘书领着去见 par 了,途 中得知面我的 par 是个美国人,叫Mark,我想完了,要全英面了.很紧张,因为我几乎没 有同外国人交谈的经历,之前一面的时候,manager 是中国人,很nice ,看到我说英语时 紧张,就提议用中文,于是我一面总共说了不到

5 句英文,汗. . .今天直接让我碰到个美国 人, 呵呵, 我那仅有的一丝希望都破灭了. . 不过还好不是传说中可怕的德国 par, 日本 par, 只能这样聊以自慰了. . .面试开始前,par 给了我一记有力的握手,并问候了一下.相比之 下,我的握手就太不专业了,呵呵,提醒以后面试的同学也要还以有力的握手才行.好,面 试开始. 1.How are you doing today? Fine,thank you. (回答这个的时候我愣了一下,2 秒钟后才反应过来要回答他.因为之 前握手时已经招呼过,我也已经很明确的回答了.因此我怀疑是不是自己听错了,后来想想 可能是 par 太忙,忘了之前已经问候过了吧. ) 2.Why do you choose***as your English name? 他说问这个问题是为了消除我的紧张感. 显然我是更紧张了, 但只能回答, 我喜欢呀. Par 就接着问:为什么喜欢呀?我晕,我说简单易记,呵呵,牵强的答案. 3.Tell me something about yourself. 哈哈,这个有准备,我就 blabla…在这个过程中,par 在忙着看我的简历和网申资料,是呀,他们都是大忙人,哪有时间提前看啊.不过,他也会时不时给以回应的,其中就谈到他 有两个女儿,呵呵.看他幸福的说起自己的女儿,我对他好感倍增,是个好父亲哟. 4.How do you choose your university?(大意是这样的) 没料到的,于是就瞎掰了,觉得说的不好. 5.Why do you choose ***as your major? 晕,继续临场发挥.说这其实不是我的第一志愿,因为分数的关系没能录取第一志愿(会计) ,他说你成绩挺好的呀,边说边划着我网申时填的分数,我说这个不一样的,我指的是 高考成绩,而这个是我的大学成绩,他恍然大悟的样子.现在想我这样的回答给人感觉目标 不明确的样子.Sigh. . . 6.What'
