编辑: 颜大大i2 2019-07-01
19 Operations 行动事宜 Operations 1.

星岛日报图片 Sing Tao Daily photo 2. 苹果日报图片 Apple Daily photo 3. 成报图片 Sing Pao photo 4. 苹果日报图片 Apple Daily photo

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3 4 O 行动事宜 Operations O 1. 苹果日报图片 Apple Daily photo 2. 成报图片 Sing Pao photo

1 2 服务承诺 消防处处理楼宇火警召唤的规定召达时 间,楼宇密集地区为六分钟,楼宇分散及 偏远地区则为九至23分钟.至於紧急救护 服务,目标召达时间为12分钟.消防处承 诺在整体召唤中有92.5%能够在上述时间 内获到场处理. 二零零六年,93.9%的楼宇火警召唤及 92.7%的紧急救护召唤,在所属召唤类别 的目标召达时间内获到场处理. 期内,有关即时火警危险的投诉,全部可 以在24小时内获得处理. Performance Pledge The graded response times for calls to fires in buildings are six minutes for the built-up areas and nine to

23 minutes for areas of dispersed risks and isolated developments. For emergency ambulance services, the target response time is

12 minutes. The Department pledged to achieve these times in 92.5% of all calls. In 2006, 93.9% of building fire calls and 92.7% of emergency ambulance calls were responded to within the respective response times. During the year, all complaints of imminent fire hazards were answered within

24 hours. Operations Operations

21 一辆货柜车运载的电池产生浓烟,消防员用水及泡i扑救 (苹果日报图片) Firemen pumping water and foam to douse the smoke generated from the batteries on board a container (Apple Daily photo) 消防人员从火场救出伤者 (苹果日报图片) Firemen extricate a casualty from a fire scene (Apple Daily photo) 扑灭火警 消防处接到的火警召唤由二零零五年的 37,741宗,降至二零零六年的33,268宗. 期间火警造成14人死亡、380人受伤,获 救人数为2,107人.行动中共有三名消防人 员受伤. 涉及煮食的疏忽或意外是酿成火警的主要原 因.在二零零六年有2,186宗由此而引起的 火警.市民处理或弃置烟头、火柴和蜡烛时 疏忽大意,是酿成火警的另一个主因. Fire-fighting The number of fire calls fell from 37,741 in

2005 to 33,268 in 2006. During the year, fires claimed

14 lives and

380 injuries while 2,107 people were rescued. A total of three operational firemen were injured in the line of duty. Carelessness or accidents involving the preparation of foodstuff contributed to the major cause of fires, totalling 2,186 cases in 2006. This was followed by careless handling or disposal of cigarette ends, matches and candles. O 行动事宜 Operations O 牛头角煤气爆炸 (成报图片) A gas explosion in Ngau Tau Kok (Sing Pao photo) 茶果岭村三级火警 (明报图片) A No.3 Alarm fire at Cha Kwo Ling Tsuen (Ming Pao photo) 二零零六年较瞩目的火警包括: 油塘茶果岭村在一个月内发生两宗三级 火警,烧毁多间砖屋及铁皮屋.首宗火 警发生於一月六日,消防员将约20名居 民疏散到安全地方.一月二十二日发生 的第二宗火警有多个石油气瓶爆炸,消 防员将约30名居民疏散至安全地方. 一幢位於牛头角佐敦谷北道的楼宇在四 月十一日发生一级火警及爆炸,导致两 名女子死亡及九人受伤,包括一名交通 警员.意外相信由於泄漏气体所致.爆 炸的威力十分巨大,以致其中一名受害 者跌进爆炸在升降机大堂造成的深坑 内,而该名警员则被飞出的铁闸从电单 车上撞翻地上. Some notable fires in
