编辑: 迷音桑 2019-06-12
List of Geographical Indications for agricultural products, foodstuffs, wines and spirits

1 Name as registered in People'

s Republic of China Transcription

2 Translation

3 Short Description

1 安吉白茶 Anji Bai Cha Anji White Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.

) - Tea

2 安溪铁观音 Anxi Tie Guan Yin Anxi Tie Guan Yin Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

3 保山小粒咖啡 Baoshan Xiao Li Ka Fei Baoshan Arabica Coffee Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Coffee

4 赣南脐橙 Gannan Qi Cheng Gannan Navel Orange Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Fruit

5 霍山黄芽 Huoshan Huang Ya Huoshan Yellow Bud Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

6 郫县豆瓣 Pixian Dou Ban Pixian Bean Paste Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Bean paste

7 普洱茶 Pu'

er Cha Pu'

er Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

8 山西老陈醋 Shanxi Lao Chen Cu Shanxi Aged Vinegar Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Vinegar

9 烟台苹果 Yantai Ping Guo Yantai Apple Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Fruit

10 坦洋工夫 Tanyang Gong Fu Tanyang Gongfu Black Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

11 白城绿豆 Baicheng Lü Dou Baicheng Mung Bean Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Bean

1 List provided by the Chinese authorities in the framework of the on-going negotiations, registered in the People'

s Republic of China.

2 For information purpose only.

3 For information purpose only.

2 Name as registered in People'

s Republic of China Transcription

2 Translation

3 Short Description

12 肇源大米 Zhaoyuan Da Mi Zhaoyuan Rice Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Rice

13 婺源绿茶 Wuyuan Lü Cha Wuyuan Green Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

14 福州茉莉花茶 Fuzhou Mo Li Hua Cha Fuzhou Jasmine Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

15 房县香菇 Fangxian Xiang Gu Fangxian Mushroom Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Mushroom

16 南丰蜜桔 Nanfeng Mi Ju Nanfeng Sweet Orange Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Fruit

17 苍山大蒜 Cangshan Da Suan Cangshan Garlic Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Garlic

18 房县黑木耳 Fangxian Hei Mu Er Fangxian Black Fungus Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Mushroom

19 凤冈锌硒茶 Fenggang Xin Xi Cha Fenggang Zinc Selenium Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

20 库尔勒香梨 Kuerle Xiang Li Korla Pear Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Fruit

21 邳州大蒜 Pizhou Da Suan Pizhou Garlic Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Garlic

22 安岳柠檬 Anyue Ning Meng Anyue Lemon Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Lemon

23 正山小种 Zhengshan Xiao Zhong Lapsang Souchong Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

24 兴化香葱 Xinghua Xiang Cong Xinghua Chive Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Dehydrated chive

25 祁门红茶 Qimen Hong Cha Qimen Black Tea Other products of Annex I of the Treaty (spices etc.) - Tea

3 Name as registered in People'

s Republic of China Transcription

2 Translation

3 Short Description

26 宜宾芽菜 Yibin Ya Cai Yibin Bean Sprout Fruit, vegetable and cereals fresh or processed - Bean sprout (Pickled vegetables)
