编辑: GXB156399820 2019-04-23
筹募活动 Fund-raising Activities 东华通讯 TUNG WAH NEWS 5月号 MAY ISSUE

2019 於5月6日举行的记者招待会上,蔡荣星主席 (中) 及副主席兼筹备委员会 主席邓明慧女士 (左一) 致送银禧纪念品予鸣芝声剧团,以感谢剧团过去 25年来为本院慈善粤剧晚会倾力演出,并由团长刘帼英小姐 (左二) 、 台柱盖鸣晖小姐 (右二) 及吴美英小姐 (右一) 代表接受.

Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken (centre), the Chairman, and Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (left 1), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Organising Committee, presented the Silver Jubilee Anniversary Plate to Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera, represented by Ms. LAU Kok Ying, Alice (left 2), Regimental Commander of the Troupe, Ms. Joyce KOI (right 2) and Ms. May NG (right 1), Cantonese Opera actresses, in appreciation of its whole-hearted support for TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera in the past

25 years at the Press Conference held on

6 May 2019. 主礼嘉宾民政事务总署副署长黄海韵太平绅士 (右五) 、蔡荣星主席 (左五) 联同筹委会委员主持开锣仪式 . Miss WONG Hoi Wan, Charmaine, JP (right 5), Deputy Director of Home Affairs, the officiating guest, together with Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken (left 5), the Chairman, and members of the Organising Committee, officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. 多位董事局成员 、高级职员及本院属下安老服务单位 的长者粉墨登场, 为慈善踏台板 , 大获好评! Board Members, senior staff and elders from TWGHs elderly services units participated in the charity opera performance and received great applause. 捐赠物业 Property Donation Scheme 何英杰基金会有限公司 (2001/2002) 雷锐年先生 (2002/2003) 吴华方先生 (2004/2005) Mr. NG Yuk Oi (2006/2007) 潘美梨女士 (已故) (2011/2012) 梁美容女士 (2011/2012) 董张有映女士 (已故) (2011/2012) 东华善业捐助计划 Patrons of Tung Wah Services Donation Scheme 永久荣誉赞助人 (捐助$1,000,000或以上) Permanent Honourable Patron (with donation of $1,000,000 or above) 香港侨外俱乐部有限公司 (纪念已故创会会长曾纪华先生) (2010/2011 :乐捐善款$16,000,000) 香港侨外俱乐部有限公司 (2009/2010:乐捐善款$12,000,000) 道教云鹤山房 (2003/2013:乐捐善款共$4,680,000) 港澳台湾同乡慈善基金会名誉主席千叶源善款一百万元 周沈月香女士 (2009/2010:乐捐善款$1,000,000) 黄少彬 (五镇) 先生 、 黄张秀霞 (妙兴) 女士 (2009/2010:乐捐善款$1,000,000) 黎灿先生 (2010/2011 :乐捐善款$1,000,000) 谢德昌先生 、陈爱群女士 (2010/2011 :乐捐善款$1,000,000) 谢雄标先生 、黎焕伦女士 (2011/2012:乐捐善款$1,000,000) 陈炳秋先生 、陈育林先生 (2012/2013:乐捐善款$1,000,000) 郑黄选英女士 (2014/2015:乐捐善款$1,000,000) 善长金榜 Patrons of the Year 本院承蒙 应届董事局成员 、 前任董事局成员及各界善长惠捐善款 , 支持善业 ,谨志留念. TWGHs gratefully acknowledges and appreciates the staunch support from current Board Members, former Board Members and all donors. 敏华控股有限公司诚意呈献 : 东华三院 . 金银业贸易场. 香港保龄球总会慈善保龄球大赛

15 /6 东华三院慈善粤剧晚会 29-30 /5 本年度 「东华三院慈善粤剧晚会」 已於北角新光戏院大剧场圆满举行,由鸣芝声剧团担纲演出名剧 《佳偶天成》 及 《无情宝剑有情天》 ,并获郑黄选英女士冠名赞助,为 「东华三院档案及历史文化基金」 筹募经费,以供修复文物及推广华人慈善历史资料的保育工作.本院由衷感谢各界善长慷慨解囊, 襄助善举. TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera Performed by Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera, the annual TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera was held successfully at Sunbeam Theatre, with two traditional operas including The Touch of Cupid and Merciless Sword under Merciful Heaven. We were honoured to receive the staunch support from Mrs. ZHENG HUANG Xuanying as the Event'
