编辑: kr9梯 2019-03-08
清炒 Sautéed with olive oil 蒜蓉 Garlic flavored 炝炒 Spicy fried 上汤 Prime broth 白灼 Poached 合时蔬菜 SEASONAL VEGETABLES 皮蛋瘦肉粥 虫草花鸡粥 生滚牛肉粥 明火白粥 干/湿炒牛河 鲍汁金菇焖伊面 Minced pork and preserved egg Chicken with Aweto Minced beef congee Plain congee Fried beef noodles (with sauce or without sauce) Braised E-Fu noodles with golden mushroom and abalone sauce 香茜马蹄牛肉肠粉 蜜汁叉烧肠粉 香滑炸两肠 罗汉斋肠粉 Beef with coriander and chestnut rice roll BBQ prok rice roll Deep-fried dough stick wrapped by rice roll Vegetables rice roll 肠粉RICE ROLLS 酥点煎炸 BAKERY 粥、粉和面 CONGEE & NOODLE 如您有特殊餐饮需求或对某些食品过敏而需了解原料详情,请向我们咨询.

For guests with food allergies or special dietary requirements, please inquire us. 榴莲酥 迷你蛋挞仔 叉烧酥 御玺餐包 香煎红糖锅盔 港式马蹄糕 XO煎萝卜糕 香煎韭菜饺 竹筒炸春卷 上汤鲜竹腐皮卷 Durian custard pie Mini egg tart BBQ pork pastry Yuxi's bread Pan-fried bun with brown sugar Hong Kong style chestnut cake Pan-fried radish cake with XO sauce Pan-fried leek dumpling Spring roll Dried tofu roll stuffed with bamboo shoot 甜品DESSERTS 中式茶 CHINESE TEA 梧州龟苓膏 杨枝甘露 红豆沙汤圆 芒果布丁 Wuzhou style herbal Jelly Chilled mango sago cream with pomelo Glutinous rice balls with red bean soup Mango pudding 竹叶青 普洱 苦荞茶 Zhu ye qing Fermented puer Buckwheat tea 担担面 龙抄手 扬州炒饭 Dan Dan noodles Sichuan style wonton Yangzhou fried rice 椒香木耳 口水鸡 芥香豆干 泡椒鱼皮 蜜汁叉烧 冰烧三层肉 Wild fungus with Sichuan peppers flavor Poached chicken with Sichuan style spicy dressing Dried tofu with wasabi Fish skin mixed with pickled chilli BBQ pork with honey Crispy BBQ pork belly 宫保鸡丁 尖椒脆爽肉 水煮牛肉 油焖虎皮青椒 茶碗豆花 Kong pao chicken Pork neck fried with green pepper Sichuan "shui zhu" style tender beef Braised green pepper Soy bean pudding 前菜、烧味 APPETIZERS & BBQ 蓉城味道 TASTE OF CHENGDU 蒸点STEAMED DISHES 御玺虾饺 蟹子烧麦 熊猫流沙包 蚝皇叉烧包 珍珠糯米鸡 黑椒牛仔骨 紫金蒸凤爪 豉汁蒸排骨 三丝牛百叶 禾味金钱肚 如意白菜卷 沙爹蒸鱼饼 丹棱冻白糕 黄金马拉盏 Yuxi shrimp dumpling Shao mai with crab roe Custard panda bun Steamed pork bun with oyster sauce Glutinous rice in lotus leaf Beef rib with black pepper Steamed chicken feet Steamed pork rib with black bean sauce Beef tripe with shredded bamboo shoot Marinated beef tripe Cabbage rolls Steamed fish cake with satay Dan-ling steamed rice cake Golden sponge cake
