编辑: 迷音桑 2019-01-11
炸豆腐芒果烧排骨沙律 C BBQ Ribs Salad with Deep Fried Tofu and Mango

2 人用 (servings) 材料 Ingredients 沙律汁 Salad Dressing 豉油 ? 杯Soy sauce ? cup 青柠汁

2 汤匙 Lime juice

2 tbsp 麻油 ? 汤匙 Sesame oil ? tbsp 蒜茸 ? 汤匙 Garlic, minced ? tbsp 姜茸 ? 汤匙 Ginger, minced ? tbsp 蒜茸辣椒酱 ? 汤匙 Garlic chili paste ? tbsp 炸豆腐芒果烧排骨沙律 BBQ Ribs Salad with Deep Fried Tofu and Mango 极上烧腊系列 - 烧排骨 Premium BBQ Product C BBQ pork ribs 沙律汁 Salad dressing 沙律菜

2 杯Mixed greens

2 cup 青豆 ? 杯French beans ? cup 炸油 Deep fry oil 鲜冬菇

8 只Fresh shitake mushrooms

8 pc 硬豆腐

5 安士 Firm tofu

5 Oz 熟芒果, 切粒

1 粒Mango (firm but ripe), cut into bite size

1 pc 步骤 Directions 沙律汁 1.


1 汤匙炒香蒜茸及姜茸 2. 倒入碗内加入余下材料拌匀, 备用 炸豆腐芒果烧排骨沙律 1. 烧排骨切件备用 2. 煲滚一锅水, 加入少许盐, 放入青豆灼

3 分钟, 冷水下过冷河, 备用 3. 大火下用

1 汤匙油落镬 , 加入鲜冬菇炒

1 分钟, 盐胡椒粉调味 4. 豆腐切?寸、用厨纸抹乾;

将一锅油加热, 炸豆腐至脆身及金黄色约 2-3 分钟, 离镬用厨纸隔去油份 5. 沙律菜平均分在两只餐碟上;

分别放上青豆, 冬菇 ,豆腐, 芒果, 淋上沙律汁,再放上烧排骨 炸豆腐芒果烧排骨沙律 C BBQ Ribs Salad with Deep Fried Tofu and Mango

2 人用 (servings) 步骤 Directions Salad Dressing 1. In a frying pan, sautéed garlic and ginger with

1 tbsp oil. 2. Transfer to a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well, set aside BBQ Ribs Salad with Deep Fried Tofu and Mango 1. To prepare the salad: 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add a little salt and French beans, blanch for

3 minutes, drain under cold water and set aside 3. Heat

1 tbsp oil in a frying pan over high heat, add in mushrooms and saute for about

1 minutes. Season with salt and pepper 4. Cut tofu into ? inch thick, Use paper towel to pat dry, bring a pot of oil to a high heat, deep fry tofu until golden about

2 C

3 minutes. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels. 5. To Serve: Divide mixed greens on

2 serving plates, arrange French beans, mushrooms, tofu, mango over salads, ladle with salad dressing. Top with BBQ ribs
