编辑: xwl西瓜xym 2018-12-05
第6期21 世纪以来,随着能源短缺、环境污染等问题 的日益突出,规模化清洁电能传输、电力供需广域 平衡、 大容量高效变流等新的技术需求相继涌现, 催生了输电方式的变革[1] .

以电压源换流器和绝缘 栅双极型晶体管 IGBT 为基础的柔性直流输电技 术,由于运行方式更灵活、可控性更好[2] ,广泛地应 用于可再生能源并网、孤岛供电、城市中心供电、大 容量远距离电网互联等[3-4] ,且朝着更高电压等级、 更大系统容量方向不断发展[5] . 换流阀和混合型直流断路器作为柔性直流输 收稿日期:2016鄄10鄄07;

修回日期:2017鄄02鄄27 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51490682, 51677166) Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China(51490682, 51677166) DOI:10.13234/j.issn.2095-2805.2017.6.179 中图分类号:TM46 文献标志码:A 压接式 IGBT 模块的开关特性测试与分析 常1,周 宇1,罗皓泽 1,2 ,李武华

1 ,何湘宁

1 ,张朝山

3 (1. 浙江大学电气工程学院,杭州 310027;

2. Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg East

9220 , Denmark;

3. 西安开天电力电子技术有限公司,西安 710077) 摘要:随着柔性直流输电技术朝着更高电压等级、更大系统容量方向的发展,作为其中关键设备的换流阀 和混合式直流断路器对大容量 IGBT 器件的封装特性和电气性能提出了更高要求. 与焊接式 IGBT 相比,压接 式IGBT 具有功率等级更高、开关速度更快、易于串联等优点,成为柔性直流输电的优选器件. 为系统掌握压接 式IGBT 模块的应用特性,设计了基于双脉冲测试原理的压接式 IGBT 模块开关特性的测试平台. 基于测试结 果,分析了不同压接力、负载参数和结温条件对压接式 IGBT 模块开关特性的影响规律;

并从器件封装特性和半 导体物理层面、初步探讨了压接式 IGBT 模块开关特性的变化机理,为其在大功率电力变换领域的推广和应用 提供参考. 关键词:压接式 IGBT;


开关特性 Test and Analysis of Switching Performance for Press鄄pack IGBT Modules CHANG Yao1 , ZHOU Yu1 , LUO Haoze1,

2 , LI Wuhua1 , HE Xiangning1 , ZHANG Chaoshan3 (1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;

2. Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg East 9220, Denmark;

3. Xi'

an Kaitian Power Electronics Technical Co. Ltd. Xi'

an 710077, China) Abstract: With the development of voltage source converter based high voltage direct current (VSC鄄HVDC) technology to higher voltage rating and higher power capacity, the converter valve and hybrid direct current breaker, which are the core components of VSC鄄HVDC, have put forwards higher demands on IGBT package feature and electrical performance. Compared with the solder plastic IGBT modules, the press鄄pack IGBT modules, are becoming preferred in the field of VSC鄄HVDC which feature higher power rating, faster switching speed and are more easily to be connected in series. In this paper, a test platform of switching performance for press鄄pack IGBT modules is designed and implemented to employ the principle of double pulse test. The effects of the external mechanical mounting force, bus voltage, load current and junction temperature on switching performance are analyzed in detail, and the variation mechanism of switching performance for press鄄pack IGBT is discussed preliminarily from the view of module'
