编辑: xiong447385 2018-11-20
网络论坛50 Landscape Architecture China VOICES

51 Landscape Architecture China 我们一直在思考城市应该是什么样的速度,如果城市即代表高效率、 高生产力,那么越快越好.

但是在越来越快的生活中,人们也不全然享受 速度的快感,反而十分想念基因中就自带有的闲适与缓慢.当城市高速的 流水线中出现了某个部件的差错时,相连接的各个环节就如同多米诺骨牌 一样,相继出现紊乱甚至崩溃,留下早已适应高速流动的人们在或瞬间或 一段时间的空白中茫然、压抑、焦急,甚至咒骂.在现在的城市中,每个 人都只能被动的等待,虽然这份被动看似主动. 作为城市流转带及相关的设计者们,如何能让快者愈快,慢者愈适? 从而让每个人都能主动的选择快与慢的生活频率而不是被动的接受?设 计师设计的已不是三维的空间,而是在设计人应该如何调整和分割第四 维―时间.时间之中人人平等,所以每个人都有权利争取能够支配自己 时间的自由. We always think about which kind of speed and pace a city should have. It would be the faster the better if urban as a representation of high efficiency and productivity. However, in a life increasingly accelerating, people fail to enjoy the delight of speed, but yearn for the coziness and ease what they have genetically owned. Modern cities are fast-running assembly lines. When any of the components goes wrong, the rings linked to it will fall into chaos, just like dominoes, or even collapse, leaving behind the urban dwellers, who have already been used to the fast rhythm of life, in confusion, depression, anxiety or even anger, in that moment or that period of blankness. Living in a city like this, everyone inevitably has to choose waiting, though it is a positive-looking passive choice. As the urban conveyor belt, how can the designers to figure out a way people could fit into their own paces, and they could make their choices on a fast or slow life they would like to live, instead of being forced to accept what the city offers? What we design is no longer three-dimensional space;

we need to consider how people can adjust and divide the fourth dimension ― time. Equality before the time, everybody has the right and freedom to make decision on their own time. 城市慢行景观网络论坛 Forum on Urban Slow Landscape 李伟:北京市城市规划设计研究院规划研究室主任工程师,《北京市城市总体规划修编(2004~2020)》中《步行与自行车交通规 划》部分主笔. Wei LI: Principal Engineer of Planning Research Studio, Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design;

Editorial Writer of the section of Walking and Bicycle Transport Planning, in Master Planning Revision of Beijing City (2004~2020). 交通规划需要执行力 Execution is Imperative in Transport Planning 您作为一位参与 步行与自行车交通 法定规 划编订的规划师,希望您能从城市交通规划专 业的角度解读一下 慢行交通 . 李伟(以下简称李):我并不认可 慢行交 通 这个名词.机动车交通和非机动车交通是 相对应的两个专业术语.如何区分快慢呢?在 城市里堵车的时候,汽车比步行还慢呢.所以 提快慢是没有意义的, 慢行 甚至含有一点 贬义,我们可以说提倡步行和自行车交通,但 我们能说提倡慢行交通吗?交通出行,谁不希 望快呢?实际上所谓的 慢行交通 所关注的 问题还是非机动交通. 您作为一位步行及自行车交通方式的倡导者, 您平时上下班步行或者骑车吗? 李:我开车.理由是从我家到单位开车最快、 最节省时间.我在写《步行和自行车交通规划 与实践》的时候,很多照片都是我在车里拍 的,我站在一个开车人的角度去观察这些问 题.我年轻的时候只有公交和骑车两种选择, 我一直骑车上班,因为骑车最快.回国以后, 坐了1年公交,后来改开车.哪个快,我就选择 哪个.现在从住的地方到工作单位,骑车要骑 40分钟,而开车只要25分钟,坐公共汽车要1个 小时,我走来可能得2个小时,所以就开车了. 而且现在城市的环境没法骑车,经常骑着骑着 就没路了,被汽车一蹩,进不去也出不来, 汽车都是擦着过,非常危险.但如果城市自 行车交通环境能有所改善,会增加一大批骑 自行车的人. 《北京城市交通发展战略规划》与《北京市城 市总体规划修编(2004~2020)》实施已有
