编辑: 过于眷恋 2018-10-18
渡假?店顾客体验、 体验价值与品牌权?影 响关系之研究-以剑湖山王子?店为? A Study of the Relationship among Customer'

s Experience, Experiential Value and Brand Equity of Resort Hotel-A Case Study of Janfusun Prince Hotel ?进成 Ching-Cheng Shen* 杨琬琪 Wan-Chi Yang ** 摘要本研究旨在探讨?店之顾客体验、体验价值与品牌权?影响关系之研究,以剑湖 山王子?店之顾客为研究对象,透过因素分析?萃取出主要因素构面,运用线性结构 模式(LISREL)?验证各研究构面的影响关系.


320 份问卷,有效回收? 为93.75%.研究结果显示如下:1.在顾客体验方面,关?体验对顾客体验的影响最大;


3.在品牌 权?方面,知觉品质对顾客品牌权?的贡影响最大;

4.顾客体验对体验价值是有显著 的正向影响;


6.体验价值是顾客体验影响 品牌权?的重要中介变?. 关键词s顾客体验、体验价值、品牌权?、渡假?店 * 国?高雄餐?学院?游管?研究所副教授 ** 屏东科技大学热带农业暨国际合作系博士生 ?游管?研究第七卷第一期民国九十???月页55~页81Tourism Management Research Vol.

7 No.1 June

2007 pp.

55 ~

81 ?游管?研究 第七卷 第一期 民国九十???月

56 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among the consumer experience, experiential value and brand equity of resort hotel. A case study was undertaken on the JANFUSUN PRINCE HOTEL. The data is analyzed by factor analysis is used to develop the theoretical model of this study. Then the LISREL model is used to measure the relationships between the constructs. The data collected from those

320 questionnaires, and an applicable rate of 93.75%. The major findings of this research are as follows: 1.The consumer experience was most affected by relate experience. 2. The experiential value was most affected by the joyful value and leisure value. 3. The brand equity was most affected by the perceived quality. 4. Consumer experience has direct positive impact on experiential value significantly. 5. Experiential value has direct positive impact on brand equity significantly. 6. Experiential value is the important medium variable when the brand equity was affected by the consumer experience. Keywords: consumer experience, experiential value, brand equity, resort hotel 壹、 前言 1.1 研究动机 随著经济的稳定发展,国民所得?断提升及国人?游需求转变,使得休闲?游活动 存在著庞大的需求,导致?游景点与设施需求大?增加;

加上政府观光政策积极推动, 目前?岸交?逐渐增加,潜在的观光市场蕴含无限商机与重要性.在此影响下,对於住 宿饭店之需求亦随之?断增加.因此,业者相继投入饭店产业,市场上存在著相当程? 的竞争,业者面?著顾客减少,以及房价?低的压?;

该如何在竞争激?的观光市场中, 提高竞争?及平均房价,?成为饭店业永续经营的当重要课题.Prasad &

Dev(2000) 指出品牌是一个可以清楚让顾客分辨某饭店和其他饭店的差别之方法,顾客可以藉由在 饭店中的体验?判断一个品牌权益的优?;

许多业者藉由品牌的建?,提升竞争?.显 示顾客体验与品牌权益对饭店经营的重要性.而以往有关饭店业的相关研究,大多将重 点放在服务品质及顾客满意?的研究上,对於探讨饭店业顾客体验与品牌权益的研究非 常欠缺,遂引发本研究之动机. 品牌除?被用区分?同公司产品外,?是在顾客心中进?产品差?化的重要工具, 并提供竞争者进入障碍与持久竞争优势,以提升顾客忠诚? (Shocher &
