编辑: 人间点评 2018-10-14
Facts - Oeko Institute General Facts 2.

16 billion people use a smartphone in

2016 2016 年全球 21.6 亿人使用智慧型手机 46.4% of all mobile phone users and that 29% of the world population use a smartphone 智慧型手机的使用人数占所有行动电话使用者的 46.4%, 占全世界人口 29% 1.20 billion consumers, or 16% of the world population, use a tablet (eMarketer 2014b). 平板电脑使用者有

12 亿人, 占全球人口约 16% In

2014 , 1.301 billion smartphones and 229.6 million tablets were sold globally

2014 年全球智慧型手机销售数量达

13 亿支, 平板电脑则有

2 亿2千9百万台 Smartphones Tablets Minerals / mining 矿产 What is in your smartphone? 你的智慧型手机含有哪些元素 ? Aluminium 铝Copper 铜Plastics 塑胶 Magnesium 镁Cobalt 钴Tin 锡Iron (steel) 铁Tungsten 钨Silver 银Neodymium 钕Gold 金The extraction of raw materials is in many cases associated with human rights risks. 原物料的开采, 尤其是采矿, 在许多情况下可能涉及人权侵害 Mining and processing of ores are in many world regions a major source of pollution and environmental degradation. 开采与冶炼矿石是造成许多地区污染的主要原因. 10% of the world'

s cobalt is used in Smartphones and tablets - most cobalt comes from Congo DR and is mined in unregulated conditions with impact on the environment, often associated with awful labour conditions and child labour workers in awful conditions 全球 10%的钴用於智慧型手机与平板电脑上 - 大部分开采自刚果共和国, 不仅因缺乏管制而影响 环境, 矿区的劳动条件也极其恶劣, 甚至有雇用童工的违法情况 With 27% of the world cobalt demand, rechargeable batteries are the most important application for this material. 全球有 27%的钴,用於可充电电池, 是此类产品最重要的原物料之一. The electrical and electronic industry using one fourth of the global silver production is the biggest single industry application of this metal. 电气及电子制造业使用的银占全球产量的四分之一, 是用量最大的单一产业 Energy 能源 The production of smartphones and tablets is quite energy-intensive 智慧型手机与平板电脑的生产制造十分耗能 The production stage has a major impact on total greenhouse gas emissions of an electronic device. 生产制造智慧型手机和平板电脑的温室气体排放量相当高 A closer look into the production stage of tablets and smartphones reveals that only a handful of components cause up to 80% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of manufacturing: printed circuit (PCB), the display and the integrated circuits 智慧型手机和平板电脑中少数零组件的生产过程的温室气体排放量占产品总排放量 80%: 印刷 电路板、萤幕,以及积体电路 Average annual life-cycle based impact of a smartphone leads to about

37 kg CO2e emissions and that of tablet to around

80 kg CO2e (note however that this does not include network usage as well as data centre services.) 智慧型手机平均生命周期产生的温室气体效应约

37 公斤(CO2e),平板电脑则是

80 公斤 (CO2e), (注: 未计算网路使用及数怂愕挠跋) Chemicals 化学物质 PFCs - etching and cleaning 全氟化合物 - 蚀刻与清洗 Solvents (VOCs) - cleaning or degreasing, stripping processes, for thinning coatings, and dissolving raw material 挥发性溶剂 - 清洗或除油, 去光阻, 薄膜制程或溶解原物料 Though Smartphones individually have a small environmental impact it is the volume of sales which triggers the impact 全球智慧型手机的销售总量对环境造成极大冲击 ROHS in Europe, electrical and electronic equipment should not contain: Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) (come into force in July 2019) 欧盟电气电子产品中有害物质禁限用指令(The Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, RoHS) 规定电气及电子产品内不得含有: 铅、汞、镉、六 价铬、多溴联苯 PBB、多溴二苯醚 PBDE、邻苯二甲酸二(2- 乙基己基) 酯DEHP、邻苯二甲酸 苯丁酯 BBP、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 DBP、邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯 DIBP (修订版 RoHS 将於
