编辑: 会说话的鱼 2018-10-09
It is well known that SJS'

s charity services rely entirely on public donations to improve the livelihood of the helpless and the poor and warm their hearts, without any subsidy from government or large financial groups.

The number of cases on our waiting list, the length of the waiting period, and the effectiveness of our charity services all depend on how much donation comes from our donors. In other words, our donors are the key figures who dictate the very survival of our charity services. Hong Kong is under the attack of two storms -- the second wave of the global financial tsunami and the H1N1 epidemic. Already in hard times, our economy will unavoidably plunge further. In fact, when the financial tsunami first hit Hong Kong, some donors were already telling us that, due to significant decrease in income, they had to stop supporting us. The donations we receive dropped immediately. Now, with the invasion of the H1N1 flu, drop in tourists visiting Hong Kong and commercial activities in general is dealing another blow to the economy. We fear that our ability to provide charity services will be faced with further difficulty and recession. As Chief Executive Donald Tsang said at the beginning of the year, we must be prepared to wage a battle against adversity this year. Local economists have pointed out that a return to the SARS situation may occur if the flu spreads in Hong Kong. They expect a negative economic growth of 4% to 5% for the first two quarters of the year. Besides real estate, banking and finance, the shipping, service and retail industries will be deeply affected too. These trades will slump rapidly, driving the economy down to the bottom and unemployment up sky high. Every trade will suffer, our donors will not be spared, and our charity services will naturally be mired in a crisis. Our charity services were initiated in response to the urgent needs of the disadvantaged sectors of the community. We cannot give up in the face of crisis. Charity services exist because the community needs them. Reduced donations put us in a very difficult position where there is little we can do. The only measure we can take is to step up communication with social workers who refer cases to us, so that they will have a grasp of the possibility of approval before make a referral. We on our part will vet the referral cases carefully, so as not to waste even a cent of the precious donations sent to us. OuronlyhopeliesinwaitingfordawntobreakontheHongKongeconomy. But, come what may, we will deal with any difficulty with determination as we always have. We will make good use of the limited resources, and do our utmost to process all the qualified cases, so as to secure a chance for our needy clients to improve their livelihood. We are sure we can weather these hard times together with our clients and our donors. Social Worker'

s Remark 社工的话 HIT BY TWO STORMS 双重风暴夹击下 众所皆知,本会的「慈惠服务」所有支出,令致贫弱 无助者於匮乏困顿中得到施惠以改善生活,感受人间的温 暖,全赖善长们的捐款支持,方可於并无政府及财团资助 下推行. 轮候个案的数目和轮候时间的长短,以及「慈惠服 务」可发挥多少效能,端视善长的捐款多寡而定.即是 说,善长们是主宰我们「慈惠服务」存亡的关键人士. 目前香港正面对金融海啸第二波和甲型流感(H1N1) 两个风暴的夹击,本来已陷困境的香港经济,将要再往下 沉,是无可避免的.事实上,本港初现金融海啸时,已有 善长明言收入大减,要停止向我们伸援手,善长给我们的 的捐款,亦立见滑落.如今甲型流感杀入本港,访港旅客 及商业活动减少,本港经济再受打击,我们的服务能力恐 怕要面对雪上加霜,衰退又衰退.正如特首曾荫权年初所 说,我们今年要准备打一场逆境战. 本港的经济学者指出,疫症倘於本地蔓延,可能会再 出现沙士时的困境,估计今年首二季的经济会出现百分之 四至五负增长,波及的行业除地产、银行及金融业务外, 更深入航运业、服务业、零售业等.这些行业会於短时间 内急速萎缩,将经济迅速推至谷底,刺激失业率飞升.各 行各业都受影响,我们的善长们自然难以幸免,我们的「 慈惠服务」也自然会陷入重大的危机. 然我们的「慈惠服务」是应社会弱势社群的迫切需要 而生,面对此严峻的困局,我们不能因此而却步.社会有 需要,才会有「慈惠服务」的存在.捐赠减少,确置我们 於被动的困局,我们能做的委实太少.唯一可做的,是多 与转介社工沟通,令他们先掌握成功批核的机会,然后作 出转介.我们更会对转介来的个案认真审查,以免浪费涓 滴的珍贵捐赐. 静待本港经济「黎明」的到临,是我们唯一的仰盼. 但无论如何,我们会一如既往,坚定不移地面对任何难 关,善用有限资源,竭尽全力处理所有合资格的个案,为 贫困者争取改善生活的机会,与他们和各位善长一同渡过 这个双重风暴. 圣雅各福群会 St. James'
