编辑: 摇摆白勺白芍 2018-08-22
Methods: 1.

Soak the clams in water with a dash of salt until they spit out the sand. 2. Dress and clean the crab. Lightly crack the shell with the back of a knife. Chop into pieces. 3. Wash the rice and place in a large and deep ovenproof container. Pour in chicken stock and steam in Miele Steam Oven at 100°C for

1 hour until the rice is fluffy and mushy. 4. Mix ginger and green onion with the seasoning in a small bowl.. When the steaming time of step

3 remains

10 minutes, put the mixture into the Steam Oven. 5. Add the steamed ginger and green onion mixture, crab and clams into the congee. Mix well and steam at 100°C for

30 minutes. Garnish with the cilantro and Chinese celery before serving. Cooking tips: ? Miele Steam Oven cooks with 100% PureSteam so that the rice grains pick up moisture fully without evaporating any water. You can estimate the serving size at last a lot more easily. ? Making congee the traditional way over a stove entails your full attention throughout the cooking process as the congee my boil over or burn. On the other hand, making congee with Miele Steam Oven is a lot simpler. You don't need to keep an eye on it and it won't burn. You may also tailor-make it with your favourite ingredients. INGREDIENTS

1 swimmer crab or male mud crab,

8 clams,

1 cup rice,

1 1/2litre chicken stock, 1tbsp shredded ginger, 3tbsp shredded green onion, chopped cilantro and Chinese celery as garnish CRAB AND CLAMS CONGEE (serves 2) 1tbsp oil, 1/2tsp salt, pepper and sesame oil to taste SEASONING 做法: 1. 蚬以清水加入少量幼盐浸泡待其吐沙备用. 2. 花蟹ê孟淳,用刀背将壳拍裂待用. 3. 白米洗净后放入深容器内,注入清鸡汤后放入Miele蒸炉以100°C蒸1 小时煮至米粒绵软. 4. 将姜丝、葱花及调味料放入小碗,当步骤3余下10分钟的烹调时间时放 入蒸炉. 5. 将蒸好的姜葱丝连同蟹件、蚬加入粥内拌匀,以100°C蒸30分钟,享 用时洒上芫荽碎及中芹碎即可. 烹调小贴士: ? Miele蒸炉以100%纯蒸气烹调食物,用以烹调白粥令米粒绵滑但水份不 会蒸发,自然更容易预算份量. ? 传统用明火煲白粥常常担心「煲\粥」,Miele蒸炉令你无需睇火,自 家炮制白粥变得轻简单,可加入自己喜欢的食材制作粥品. 材料 花蟹或肉蟹1只,蚬或花蛤8只,白米1杯,清鸡汤1.5公升,姜丝1汤匙,葱丝3汤匙,芫荽碎及中芹碎适量 鲜蚬花蟹粥(2位份) 调味料 食油1汤匙,幼盐半茶匙,胡椒粉及麻油适量
