编辑: 丑伊 2018-01-13
三久生质能食品干燥机 SUNCUE BIOMASS FOOD DRYER 干燥物 APPLICATIONS 水果 Fruits 蔬菜 Vegetables 切片类 芒果、苹果、菠萝、香蕉、柳橙、梨子、木瓜、桃子、柠檬、崭痰 Sliced Mango, apple, pineapple, banana, citrus, pear, papaya, peach, lemon, orange, etc.

颗粒类 龙眼果肉、柿子、葡萄、蓝莓、梅子等 Granular Longan flesh, persimmon, grape, blueberry, plum, etc. 萝卜、西红柿、蒜头、茄子、小黄瓜、牛蒡、扁豆、菜豆、南瓜、苦瓜、竹笋、 菜籽、红薯干、黑豆、莲藕、葱、雪莲果、秋葵、豆芽、花菜、塔菜等 Carrot, Chinese radish, tomato, garlic, eggplant, cucumber, burdock, lablab-bean, green bean, pumpkin, bitter melon, bamboo shoot, vegetable seed, dried sweet potato, black soybean, lotus root, onion, yacon, okra, bean sprout, cauliflower, brassica narinosa, etc. Mushroom, maitake mushrooms, agrocybe aegerita, brown swordbelt, black fungus, etc. 水产 Seafoods 海带、海莴苣、紫菜、钓饵、珊瑚草、海石花等 菇类 Mushrooms 香菇、舞茸菇、茶树菇、柳松菇、木耳等 香料 Spices 辣椒、罗勒、八角、胡椒、迷迭香、肉桂、香草、艾草、鼠尾草、茴香、薄荷等 其他 Others 干燥花、花茶、豆干、中药材、红枣、枸杞、茯苓、陈皮、山楂、菊花、当归等 食品品种、含水率、气候条件、干燥温度等各式各样,开始干燥前应先洽当地食品指导机关,确认干燥方法后,须先试烘, 确定质量符合标准,才可进行批量干燥. Due to the variation of foods, moisture content, climate and drying temperature,etc. Users shall consult local food authorities before drying. 芒果 Mango 芒果 Mango 香菇 Mushroom 香菇 Mushroom 柿子 Persimmon 柿子 Persimmon 西红柿 Tomato 西红柿 Tomato BB-18 FV-180 Kelp, seaweed, sea lettuce, fish bait, glabrous herbcoral, agar, etc. Red chili, basil, star anise, black pepper, rosemary, cinnamon, vanilla, mugwort, sage, anise, mint, etc. Dried flower, flower tea, dried bean curd, Chinese medicine, jujube, goji berry, poria, chengpi, hawthorn, chrysanthemum, female ginseng, etc. 手动排灰 Non-auto ash discharge

2921 13200

5565 Building partition built by the buyer 土建隔间 服务中心 Service Center DFV011931-CE 三久生质能热风炉,就地取材之稻壳或果树枝下脚皆可当燃料,大幅降低干燥成本,环保节能减排. Suncue Biomass Furnace combust local fuel such as rice husk or wood chips and etc. Dramatically reducing drying cost, CO2 emission, saving energy and is eco-friendly. 干燥成本低 Low drying cost 采干净的间接热风干燥,适合烘食品,具有避免蚊蝇进入干燥箱内污染干燥物的功能. The ideal method for drying foods is to use clean hot air from the indirect heat exchanging design. Also, it protects food from contamination by keeping insects out of the drying chamber. 适用颗粒状食品干燥物 Suitable for granular foods 可依干燥需求,调整不同的风量大小,不仅可节约能源,干燥速度和质量,能达到良好状态. Adjust hot air volume according to drying requirement. Not only saves energy but also improves drying rate and quality. 理想的风量及热风温度 Ideal hot air volume and temperature 烤盘180个,烤盘面积高达130m2 ,尽可能的维持干燥形状,价值高. Up to

180 trays with a total surface area of 130O. The dryer can maintain shape of the product for a higher value after drying. 大型职业用干燥量大 Large-scale drying capacity for professional massive drying 清洁的热风不污染干燥物,不腐蚀机体,维修少、坚固又耐用. Clean hot air. No products contamination. No dryer corrosion. Durable and requires little maintenance. 职业用、坚固耐用 Durability suitable for professional drying 特点 FEATURES 尺寸图 DIMENSIONS 烤盘规格 TRAY DIMENSIONS
