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6, No. 6, Dec

2003 WEB JOURNAL OF 商店印象与顾客忠诚度之研究 - 以大台北区百货公司为例 Store Image and Customer Loyalty - An Empirical Study on the Department Stores in Taipei Metropolitan 陈家祥 Ja-Shen CHEN 严秀茹 HsiuJu YEN 吕湘南 Shang-Nan LEU 许翠谷 Tsui-Ku HSU Printed by http://www.cmr.tuan.com Vol. 6, No.6, Dec 2003, 中华管理评论

156 商店印象与顾客忠诚度之研究 - 以大台北区百货公司为例 Store Image and Customer Loyalty - An Empirical Study on the Department Stores in Taipei Metropolitan 陈家祥* Ja-Shen CHEN 元智大学企业管理系 Email: jchen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw 严秀茹 HsiuJu YEN 元智大学企业管理系 吕湘南 Shang-Nan LEU 远东百货 许翠谷 Tsui-Ku HSU 元智大学企业管理系 摘要 近年来国内大型百货与购物中心如春笋般崛起,加剧百货业之竞争态势.有鉴於此, 积极执行顾客关系管理、强化商店印象进而提升顾客满意度、顾客忠诚度之课题是百货业 者刻不容缓需要学习与了解的.因此,本研究根 Mitchell (2001) 所提出之商店印象构面, 将商店印象构面归纳为有形体、财务、时间与便利以及社会心理等四个构面,试图了解对 於国内百货公司在此四项商店印象构面业者重视度、顾客重视度、顾客满意度以及顾客忠 诚度之评价,并进一步了解商店印象构面之顾客满意度、态度模式与忠诚度之关联分析. 本研究结果建议,企业需了解顾客所重视之商店属性.在采行任何行销作为之前,应该事 前尽量充分了解顾客的需求,并针对其需求设计出符合顾客愿望的行销方案,才能发挥出 行销的精髓.企业资源分配也应参考主要顾客最重视之处,来作最佳的资源分配与利用以 提升企业竞争优势. 关键字:商店印象、百货公司、满意度、态度模式、忠诚度 Abstract Maintaining customer relationship, building store image, and enhancing customer loyalty have become the most critical tasks for Taiwanese retailers due to fiercer market competition in recent year. In this paper, four store image constructs proposed by Mitchell (2001) C physical, financial, time and convenient, and psychosocial are used to investigate customer and retailer perceived importance and customer satisfaction of department stores in Taipei metropolitan area. In addition, the relations of customer satisfaction, attitude of store image and customer loyalty are studied. From the statistical analysis result, we suggest that retailers need to find out customers'

perceived importance and satisfaction of store image. By knowing customers well, retailers can provide an effective marketing program to fit customers'

needs and to uplift business competitiveness. Key Words: store image, department store, satisfaction, attitude model, loyalty

157 商店印象与顾客忠诚度之研究 - 以大台北区百货公司为例 壹、绪论 近年来量贩店及连锁式便利商店进入零售市场引起了激烈竞争, 「如何维系顾客」此 一议题持续挑战零售业者之经营管理策略,而如何深入了解顾客的消费行为亦成了首要执 行事项 (Blomer and de Ruyter, 1998;

Osman, Zafer, Madan, Paisal and Ansuya, 2002).根 政院主计处的统计分析,零售业者近年在国内经济活动上极具重要性,其中就综合商品零 售业各细业观察发现,百货公司营业额高居首位,近六年平均成长 5.9%;

然而,随著大型 量贩店及连锁式便利商店营业额的大幅攀升 (平均年增率逾 15%),百货公司营业额所占比 重则从
