编辑: XR30273052 2017-12-21
气体散发剂 烟雾 杀虫剂 烟雾剂 蚊香 使用前 使用后 九龙长沙湾道303号长沙湾政府合署5楼 洁手液 防虫片挂架 臭丸 注意事项 使用方法 存放及弃置 急救方法 使用家居除害剂须知 毒药 药饵 老鼠药饵 施放日期 杀虫水气雾剂 电话 :

2150 7009 传真 :

2314 2622 电邮 : mailbox@afcd.

gov.hk 网页 : http//www.afcd.gov.hk 使用后应彻底清洗双手. 必须阅读和遵照标签上的指示. 应避免长期接近及 吸入释出的气体. 不应在高温或有火源的地方 贮存或使用,以免引起爆炸. 应放置於孩童或宠物不能接近的 地方,以免意外接触或误服中毒. 使用烟雾杀虫剂或蚊香后,应让空气充 分流通后才再进入有关地点. 使用烟雾杀虫剂时可能会产生大量白烟, 使用前应暂时关上所有电器及烟雾警报器, 并通知有关管理单位以免引起误会. 应在药饵盒写上施放日期, 以便日后依时更换. 施放日期 (10/2018) before using after using Wash hands thoroughly after handling and using pesticides. Always read and follow label instructions. Precautions Directions for use Storage and disposal First aid Hand Soap Safe Use of Household Pesticides Vapour Releasing Product Fumigator Smoke Generator Mosquito Coil Moth Repellent Hangers Naphthalene Balls POISON Bait Rat Bait application date I n s e c t S p r a y Aerosol Dispenser Avoid prolonged exposure to and inhalation of released vapour. Do not store or use under heat or near ignition source to avoid explosion. Baits should be placed in locations inaccessible to children and pets to avoid accidental contact or poisoning. After application of fumigator and mosquito coil, adequately ventilate the treated area before re-entry. Clouds of white smoke will be generated during the use of fumigator. Users should turn off all electrical appliances and smoke alarms, and inform the management of ce before application to avoid misunderstanding. Application date should be written on the bait station to facilitate its replacement. Cockroach Bait application date 5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Of ces,

303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon Tel :

2150 7009 Fax :

2314 2622 Email : mailbox@afcd.gov.hk Website : http//www.afcd.gov.hk (10/2018)
