编辑: kieth 2017-12-13

com 资料来源:FTSE Russell 数据截至2019年5月31日.指数绩效可正可负或者持平.指数过去绩效并不代表未来表现. 在此指数公开发表於1986年11月1日前、指数历史信息采模拟编制. 敬请查阅文末重要声明. 富时世界国债指数 (WGBI) |

01 FTSE Russell Factsheet | 2019年5月31日 富时世界国债指数 (WGBI) 主权债 | 多币种 富时世界国债指数 (WGBI)是富时的旗舰指数产品,用于衡量固息本币投资级主权债券的表现.该指数为投资业界所广泛采用,目前由22个国家,14种货币所组 合而成.指数本身自1986年起编制,迄今已有逾30年的历史. 我们也提供由不同货币,年期或信用评级所组成的子指数系列. 指数组成 类别 债券数 量 面额* 市值* 市值权重 (%) 平均票息 (%) 平均到期年限 到期收益率 (%) 有效久期 OAS (bps) 富时世界国债指数 1,033 20,252.48 22,448.38 100.00 2.34 9.23 1.19 8.23

20 1-3 年244 5,465.55 5,588.68 24.90 2.00 1.94 1.14 1.89

11 3-5 年181 4,005.75 4,190.43 18.67 2.08 4.00 1.04 3.83

18 5-7 年121 2,498.66 2,672.50 11.91 2.30 6.03 1.20 5.64

24 7-10 年140 2,656.71 2,956.98 13.17 2.32 8.55 1.02 7.84

27 10 年以上

347 5,625.82 7,039.80 31.36 2.87 21.76 1.37 17.02

23 北美洲

277 8,650.21 8,968.69 39.95 2.38 7.57 2.07 6.36

0 拉丁美洲

16 146.87 150.53 0.67 7.76 8.49 8.05 4.98

0 亚太区

339 4,270.93 4,853.57 21.62 1.47 11.31 0.22 10.73

1 欧洲、中东及非洲

401 7,184.47 8,475.59 37.76 2.69 9.99 0.68 8.83

52 * 以十亿美元为单位 市场及评级分布 (市值权重 %) 历史指数值 (非对冲) ---?世界国债指数 (美元) ---?世界国债指数 (欧元) ---?世界国债指数 (日圆) ---?世界国债指数 (英镑) 回报* 标准差* 世界国债指数 (美元) 6.83 6.81 世界国债指数 (欧元) 5.42 6.96 世界国债指数 (日圆) 4.25 7.85 世界国债指数 (英镑) 6.56 8.87 * 自指数基准日起年化 (%) * 欧元区是由参与欧元且符合WGBI标准的国家所组成:奥地 利,比利时,芬兰,法国,德国,爱尔兰,意大利,荷兰和西 班牙. ** 所有其他市场包括澳大利亚,加拿大,丹麦,马来西亚,墨 西哥,挪威,波兰,新加坡,南非,瑞典. 指数信用评级:指数评级首先采用标普评级.若该债券未有标普评 级,则采用等同于标普的穆迪评级.若该债券的各家评级不一致(即 标普或穆迪两家信评机构当中,一家评为投资级,但另一家评为高 收益级),则采用较高的投资级,并将其转换为等同于标普的评级. ?

2019 London Stock Exchange Group plc and its applicable group undertakings (the LSE Group ). The LSE Group includes (1) FTSE International Limited ( FTSE ), (2) Frank Russell Company ( Russell ), (3) FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc. and FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Limited (together, FTSE Canada ), (4) MTSNext Limited ( MTSNext ), (5) Mergent, Inc. ( Mergent ), (6) FTSE Fixed Income LLC ( FTSE FI ) and (7) The Yield Book Inc. ( YB ). All rights reserved. FTSE Russell? is a trading name of FTSE, Russell, FTSE Canada, MTSNext, Mergent, FTSE FI and YB. FTSE? , Russell? , FTSE Russell? , MTS? , FTSE4Good? , ICB? , Mergent? , WorldBIG? , USBIG? , EuroBIG? , AusBIG? , The Yield Book? , and all other trademarks and service marks used herein (whether registered or unregistered) are trademarks and/or service marks owned or licensed by the applicable member of the LSE Group or their respective licensors and are owned, or used under license, by FTSE, Russell, MTSNext, FTSE Canada, Mergent, FTSE FI or YB. All information is provided for information purposes only. All information and data contained in this publication is obtained by the LSE Group, from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. Because of the possibility of human and mechanical error as well as other factors, however, such information and data is provided as is without warranty of any kind. No member of the LSE Group nor their respective directors, officers, employees, partners or licensors make any claim, prediction, warranty or representation whatsoever, expressly or impliedly, either as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability of any information or of results to be obtained from the use of the FTSE Russell Indexes or the fitness or suitability of the FTSE Russell Indexes for any particular purpose to which they might be put. Any representation of historical data accessible through FTSE Russell Indexesis provided for information purposes only and is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No responsibility or liability can be accepted by any member of the LSE Group nor their respective directors, officers, employees, partners or licensors for (a) any loss or damage in whole or in part caused by, resulting from, or relating to any error (negligent or otherwise) or other circumstance involved in procuring, collecting, compiling, interpreting, analyzing, editing, transcribing, transmitting, communicating or delivering any such information or data or from use of this document or links to this document or (b) any direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages whatsoever, even if any member of the LSE Group is advised in advance of the possibility of such damages, resulting from the use of, or inability to use, such information. No member of the LSE Group nor their respective directors, officers, employees, partners or licensors provide investment advice and nothing contained in this document or accessible through FTSE Russell Indexes, including statistical data and industry reports, should be taken as constituting financial or investment advice or a financial promotion. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes only. Index returns shown may not represent the results of the actual trading of investable assets. Certain returns shown may reflect back-tested performance. All performance presented prior to the index inception date is back-tested performance. Back-tested performance is not actual performance, but is hypothetical. The back-test calculations are based on the same methodology that was in effect when the index was officially launched. However, back-tested data may reflect the application of the index methodology with the benefit of hindsight, and the historic calculations of an index may change from month to month based on revisions to the underlying economic data used in the calculation of the index. No part of this information may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the applicable member of the LSE Group. Use and distribution of the LSE Group data requires a license from FTSE, Russell, FTSE Canada, MTSNext, Mergent, FTSE FI, YB and/or their respective licensors. 资料来源:FTSE Russell 数据截至?2019年5月31日.指数绩效可正可负或者持平.指数过去绩效并不代表未来表现. 美洲 +1
