编辑: 夸张的诗人 2017-11-04


2 Corporate Information 公司资料 董事会 执行董事 王忠胜先生 (主席) 施亮先生 付寿刚先生 非执行董事 郭纯恬先生 (於二零一四年四月十 五日由执行董事调任,并自二零一 四年七月二十二日辞任) 独立非执行董事 罗维先生 彭玉芳女士 王之和先生 审核委员会 彭玉芳女士 (审核委员会主席) 罗维先生 王之和先生 提名委员会 王之和先生 (提名委员会主席) 罗维先生 彭玉芳女士 薪酬委员会 彭玉芳女士 (薪酬委员会主席) 罗维先生 王之和先生 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Directors Mr. Wang Zhong Sheng (Chairman) Mr. Shi Liang Mr. Fu Shou Gang Non-Executive Director Mr. Kwok Shun Tim (re-designated from an executive Director on

15 April

2014 and resigned with effect from

22 July 2014) Independent Non-Executive Directors Mr. Luo Wei Kun Ms. Pang Yuk Fong Mr. Wang Zhi He AUDIT COMMITTEE Ms. Pang Yuk Fong (Chairman of audit committee) Mr. Luo Wei Kun Mr. Wang Zhi He NOMINATION COMMITTEE Mr. Wang Zhi He (Chairman of nomination committee) Mr. Luo Wei Kun Ms. Pang Yuk Fong REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Ms. Pang Yuk Fong (Chairman of remuneration committee) Mr. Luo Wei Kun Mr. Wang Zhi He 二零一四年中期报告 中国煤层气集团有限公司

3 Corporate Information (Continued) 公司资料 (续) COMPANY SECRETARY Mr. Lui Chi Keung COMPLIANCE OFFICER Mr. Wang Zhong Sheng AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Wang Zhong Sheng Mr. Lui Chi Keung HEAD OFFICE &

PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG Room 910B, 9th Floor, East Wing, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre,

66 Mody Road Tsim Sha Tsui East Kowloon, Hong Kong REGISTERED OFFICE Clarendon House,

2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda (with effect from

23 April 2014) PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE Codan Services Limited Clarendon House,

2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda 公司秘书 吕志强先生 监察主任 王忠胜先生 授权代表 王忠胜先生 吕志强先生 香港总办事处兼主要营业地点 香港九龙 尖沙咀东 麽地道66号 尖沙咀中心 东翼 9楼910B室 注册办事处 Clarendon House,

2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda (自二零一四年四月二十三日起生 效) 主要股份过户登记处 Codan Services Limited Clarendon House,

2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda CHINA CBM GROUP COMPANY LIMITED


4 Corporate Information (Continued) 公司资料 (续) HONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE Tricor Tengis Limited Level 22, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen'

s Road East Hong Kong (with effect from

31 March 2014) AUDITORS HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Limited LEGAL ADVISERS Loong &

Yeung PRINCIPAL BANKERS Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation STOCK CODE

08270 香港股份过户登记分处 卓佳登捷时有限公司 香港 皇后大道东183号 合和中心22楼 (自二零一四年三月三十一日起生 效) 核数师 国卫会计师事务所有限公司 法律顾问 龙炳坤、杨永安律师行 主要往来银行 香港上海 丰银行有限公司 股份代号

08270 二零一四年中期报告 中国煤层气集团有限公司

5 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 财务摘要 ? Turnover of the Company together with its subsidiaries (collectively the Group ) for the quarter ended

30 June

2014 (the Quarterly Period ) and the six months ended

30 June

2014 (the Interim Period ) were approximately RMB63,277,000 and RMB112,530,000 respectively, representing an increase of approximately 48% and 47% respectively compared with corresponding periods in the previous financial year. ? The Group recorded a loss attributable to owners of the Company of approximately RMB40,412,000 for the Interim Period. ? Loss per share of the Group was approximately RMB4.41 cents for the Interim Period. ? The board of Directors (the Board ) does not recommend the payment of any dividend for the Interim Period. ? 本公司连同其附属公司 (统称 「本集团」 ) 截至二零一四年六 月三十日止季度 ( 「本季度」 ) 及 截至二零一四年六月三十日止 六个月 ( 「本中期」 ) 之营业额分 别约为人民币63,277,000元及 人民币112,530,000元,较上 一个财政年度同期分别上升约 48%及47%. ? 於本中期,本集团录得本公 司拥有人应占亏损约为人民 币40,412,000元. ? 本集团於本中期之每股亏损 约为人民币4.41分. ? 董事会 ( 「董事会」 ) 并不建议 就本中期派发任何股息. CHINA CBM GROUP COMPANY LIMITED
