编辑: 阿拉蕾 2017-09-29

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3 bbcukchina.com/learningenglish You would be my right-hand man. Narrator: 如果 Anna 接受这个工作,她可以用以下的表达: I'd be delighted to accept. Thank you. When would I start? Could we discuss the terms and conditions of the new job? Narrator: 下面我们赶快来听听 Anna 的回答是什么. Anna: …oh Tom, I don't know what to say. It's come as a bit of a shock. Can I have some time to think about it? Tom: I suppose. Paul: Well, while you think about that, I've got some good news. I've been offered a new job. Denise: That's fantastic news Paul. What is it? Paul: It's to be Head Taster at a company called Better Biscuits. Anna: That's fantastic news Paul. Tom: Yeah well done Paul. That's right up your street. Denise: So Anna, does that mean you'll do Paul's job now? Tom: Don't answer that. Answer my proposal first. Denise: No, I think she should sort out her work first. Tom: But I've been waiting to ask her for months. Paul: I think it's up to Anna to say what she wants. Anna: Quiet! Look everyone, I can't decide what to say to you Tom, or Mr Socrates. So I've decided I'm going to take a short holiday to have some time to think. Tom: Good idea. Where shall we go to? Anna: On my own Tom. When I return I will give you my answers. Paul: Crumbs! I'd better go and get a biscuit. Narrator: 这个办法不错 Anna. 不过我们得等 Anna 休假回来后才能知道她最终的决定.过去 一年中 Anna 在Tip Top 贸易公司做得很辛苦,也该去度个假,放松放松.希望你 在过去的一年中学到了一些能在工作中使用的语言.我和 Tip Top 贸易公司的全体 成员感谢你的收听,再见! Listening Challenge 听力挑战: Paul 的新工作是什么? 他的新工作是在 Better Biscuits 公司做首席品尝师.
