编辑: 夸张的诗人 2017-09-26

77 试论印顺法师对双修法门 的理解与评判 林建德?摘要: 密教之双修法门,长久以来引起各界关注,乃至产生争议.

本文以 印顺法师为主,探讨他对双修法门的理解与评判.首先简介印顺法师对 双修法的理解,他认为「以欲离欲」法门在典籍上有迹可寻,再加上瑜 伽外道之深远影响,如此形塑密续佛典中双修法之记载.其次分析归纳 印顺法师的评述,他认为「离欲」是佛法正说,相对的「淫欲为道」是 随宜方便说,而后人误以「欲」之方便为究竟,因此走偏了路.最后参 考达赖喇嘛之见以为对照,指出印顺法师和达赖喇嘛对男女双修之描绘 有部份相合之处,如都表示双修法必然预设如来藏心之存在,双修法门 即在於明见此心,以实现「即身成佛」的目的.然而,两人所作之评价 却有正反之别,对此本文亦作初步反思,期能有一定的认识. 关键词 关键词 关键词 关键词: : : :印顺法师、无上瑜伽、淫欲为道、方便、达赖喇嘛 ? 慈济大学宗教与人文研究所副教授 本文初稿曾发表於第十三届「印顺导师思想之理论与实践」学术会议,感谢与会 来宾参与讨论,以及两位审查人的宝贵意见,也谢谢吕胜强先生提供建议. 法印学报 第五期 2015/10

78 A Preliminary Investigation on Master Yin Shun'

s Understandings and Criticisms of the Buddhist Practice of Tantric Sex Lin, Chien-te ? ABSTRACT: The practice of tantric sex to reach enlightenment has been an attention, or even controversy, for a long time. In this paper I access Master Yin Shun'

s point of views to discuss this practice. First I introduce Yin Shun'

s understandings of the practice of Tantric Sex. He suggests that using lust as a method to remove lust has its precedents in the Buddhist classics. Together with the impacts of yogic heathenism, the records of sexual practice in the Tantric texts were formulated. Second I analyze and summarize his criticisms. Yin Shun suggests that the elimination of lust is the orthodox teaching of the Buddha Dharma. By contrast, lust as a spiritual road is an expedience. That the descendants mistreat this expedient teaching as an ultimate one missed the track and went astray. Lastly I contrast Yin Shun'

s views with the Dalai Lama14th , arguing that their descriptions are roughly coherent, e.g. the necessary presumption of tathāgata-garbha in this practice and the pursuit of its enlightenment in order to speedily realize the Buddhahood, but their evaluations are quite different. I also reflect their differences in order to have a certain understanding of this practice. Keywords: Ven. Yin Shun, anuttarayoga, lust as a spiritual road, upāya, Dalai Lama14th ? Associate Professor, Institute of Religion and Humanity, Buddhist Tzu-Chi University 试论印顺法师对双修法门的理解与评判


一、前言 随著西藏人流亡海外,藏传佛教在世界各地盛行,1 吸引诸多欧美人 士对东方佛法之兴趣;

但西藏佛法独特的修行传统,也引起不少论议, 甚至丑闻频传,其中男女双修即是其一.2 在西藏佛教传统中,同样分有出家和在家两种佛教徒,在家众不因 拥有家庭,而限缩崇高的宗教地位,例如藏传佛教四大教派之一的萨迦 崔津(Sakya Trizin, 1945-)法王即以在家身份弘扬佛法,既有自己的妻 子、小孩,同时身为所属教派的最高领袖,这样兼具圣俗两种身份在西 藏佛教相当普遍. 更早之前,被称为「诗僧」第六世达赖喇嘛仓央嘉措(1683-1746, 另相传卒年为 1707) ,对男欢女爱多所著意,曾以多首脍炙人口的情诗 著称於世.3 近代著名西藏学者更敦群培(Gedun Chopel, 1905-1951)著有Tibetan Arts of Love (中文译为 《西藏j经 : 西藏奇僧的性欢愉法门》 ) , 大胆刻露男女性爱的点滴,从男女的身体形态,对女性的温柔体贴,到 两相交合的每一个动作等,都做了详尽的描绘;
