编辑: 雨林姑娘 2017-09-16


peo- ple with both a solid academic background and practical working experience. Continental will continue its strong engagement in the job fair. -- Continental Automotive Holding Co., Ltd. 作为在全球范围内居于领先地位的汽车行业供应商, 德国大陆集团始终致力于寻求积极主动的新型人才. 德企招聘会 为大陆集团寻求此类具备专业教育背 景及相关实际工作经验的人才提供了一个绝佳的平 台.大陆集团将一如既往的大力参与到 德企招聘 会 中来. -- 德国大陆集团 Sino-German Job Fair set up a bridge be- tween the companies and talents, developed the selection channel for the companies, and also provided a broad platform for more job seekers. We will continue to support the job fair and hope the job fair a bright future. -- Porsche (China) Motors Ltd. 企招聘会架起了企业和人才交流的桥梁, 开拓了企业 针对性选择人才的渠道, 也为更多求职者提供了广阔 的就业平台, 我们会一如既往地支持德商会, 也希望 德企招聘会越办越好. -- 保时捷(中国)汽车销售有限公司 Exhibitor - For German companies who want to meet fu- ture employees and high-level university representatives. ONLY 6,000 RMB and you will receive* = a 3m by 2m booth with standard placement inclu- ding power access, one table, two chairs and over- head booth banner production = a full page profile in our program brochure = lunch coupons for

3 persons per day = Free coffee and tea on site For registration, please visit our website www.sino-german-jobfair.com and fill in the registration form. HR Service Provider - For HR service providers repre- senting German companies. ONLY 20,000 RMB and you will receive* = a 3m b 2m booth = a full page profile in our program brochure =

3 lunch vouchers/day = Free coffee and tea on site For registration, please visit our website www.sino-german-jobfair.com and fill in the registration form. Visiting Sponsor C For HR service providers interested to meet and network exclusively with HR staff of up to

50 German companies. ONLY 6,000 RMB and you will receive = half-page colour advertisement and logo in our pro- gram brochure = logo to be displayed on the website =

2 free tickets for both days = Link to open positions on our website For becoming a Visiting Sponsor, please contact us at jobfair@sh.china. ahk.de * Members of the German Chamber of Commerce and Tenants of the German Centre can receive a 10% discount. 标准展商 C 想要寻找潜在员工和顶级高校毕业生的德 国企业 仅需支付

6000 元人民币,该价格包含*: =

1 个3m*2m 的展位,包括电源,一张桌子,两把椅 子以及门头板展位名称 = 在官方宣传册中拥有整版的企业介绍 = 每天

3 位工作人........
