编辑: wtshxd 2017-09-08

2 l 记笔记对於跟踪你的进展和观察每一阶是如何在每天服务於你的,是极其有 帮助的.这本笔记是自我发现的一个强大工具,并将帮助你去运用进阶.记笔记 还能极大地帮助你去利用贯穿整个教程的「复习」练习. l 保持耐心,并允许进阶服务於你.如果你能按照它们被提供的那样去遵循进 阶的次序的话,它的力量是惊人的.这需要时间.一个伟大的旅程是由许多小小 的进阶构成的.每一步都是必须的. l 如果你错过了一天的练习,只要重新回归到练习中就可以了.不用责备自己 (或是课程) .你只需要坚持就能获得它完全的益处. l 内识进阶可能会挑战那些被珍视的信仰和假设.假如这发生了,那麽接受这 一挑战,并观察这能给你带来什麽.你必须超越一个有限的视野去看,以获得一 个更广大的视野.这样才能获得满足感. l 内识进阶是来自上帝,并通过服务於人类的隐形上师所赋予你的礼物.它是 让你去接收和去奉献的礼物. 结论: 内识进阶的力量和围,和它的宗旨一样伟大.它的来源来自这个世界以外.它 教导人们,这个世界正处在迈进由众多世界组成的大社区的进程中.它提供了激 发每个人的灵性力量和世俗能力所需要的一种新的灵性理解和准备. 它将补偿他 们的过去,并让他们为他们的未来进行准备.内识进阶倡导一种比纯人类的观点 更广大的洞察力,以理解世界上和世界外发生的事件.因此恰当地说,内识进阶 所提供的课程从最真实的意义上代表著宇宙的智慧. 正如进阶里常提到的,真理无论多麽抽象,都必须被充分地体验才能被认知并被 正确地应用.这是一个循序渐进的过程.内识进阶的推出,是为了服务於那些受 到召唤去实现他们的灵性传承和他们在这个时代身处世界上的宗旨. INTRODUCTION Steps to Knowledge is the Book of Inner Knowing. Its one-year study plan, which is divided into

365 「steps,」 or lessons, is designed to enable students to learn to experience and to apply their Self-Knowledge, or Spiritual Power, in the world. Steps to Knowledge sets out to accomplish this task in a step-by-step manner as students are introduced to the essential ideas and practices which make such an undertaking possible. Practicing every day provides a solid foundation of experience and develops the thinking, perception and self-motivation necessary for both worldly success and spiritual advancement. WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE? Steps to Knowledge describes Knowledge in the following way: 「Knowledge represents your True Self, your True Mind and your True Relationships in the universe. It also possesses your greater calling in the world and a perfect utilization of your nature, all of your inherent abilities and skills, even your

3 limitations, all to be given for good in the world.」 (STEP 2) Knowledge is the deeper spiritual mind that the Creator has given to each person. It is the source of all meaningful action, contribution and relationships. It is our natural Inner Guidance system. Its reality is mysterious, but its Presence can be directly experienced. Knowledge is remarkably wise and effective in guiding each person in finding his or her right relationships, work and contribution. It is equally effective in preparing one to recognize the many pitfalls and deceptions that exist along the way. It is the basis for seeing, knowing, and acting with certainty and strength. It is the foundation of life. WHO IS STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE FOR? Steps to Knowledge has been provided as a Way for individuals who feel that a spiritual calling and purpose are emerging in their lives, but who need a new approach to fully comprehend what this means. Often these individuals have felt this pull for a long time. Steps provides a foundation upon which they can begin to respond to this calling. The only entrance requirement is the determination to know one'
