编辑: cyhzg 2019-08-30
本单张阐述使用石油气煮食炉作火锅 用途的相关气体安全知识 This leaflet provides gas safety information to users of hot-pot gas installations with LPG as fuel 气体安全常识知多一点点KNOW MORE ABOUT GAS SAFETY 安全使用 气体用具(火锅篇) Safe Use of Gas Appliances (Hot Pots) 2017年8月修订版 updated in August

2017 选择合适的手提卡式石油气炉 Selection of Portable Cassette Cookers 根镀灏踩趵,由二零零三年一月一日起, 所有住宅式气体用具(包括手提卡式石油气炉)都必 须先向气体安全监督(即机电工程署署长)申请并获 得书面批准,方可在香港生产、进口、售卖或供应以 供在香港使用.

已获批准的住宅式 气体用具均附有「GU」标志,以资 识别.市民及食肆应只选购附有 「GU」标志的手提卡式石油气炉, 以策安全. According to the Gas Safety Ordinance, from

1 January 2003, all models of domestic gas appliances including portable LPG cassette cookers to be manufactured in Hong Kong, imported, sold or supplied for use in Hong Kong shall have the written approval of the Gas Authority (i.e., the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services). Approved domestic gas appliances shall bear a GU mark as identification. For safety sake, members of public and restaurants should only purchase portable cassette cookers with the GU mark. 气体装置工程 Gas Installation Works 根镀灏踩趵,所有气体装置工程,包括气体 炉具及接驳软喉的安装,都必须由注册气体工程承办商 雇用的注册气体装置技工进行,而该注 册气体装置技工亦须已就相关工 程类别作出注册.注册气体工程 承办商及注册气体装置技工的名 册可在机电工程署网页查阅. According to the Gas Safety Ordinance, all gas installation works including the installation of gas appliances and flexible tubing must be carried out by Registered Gas Installers (RGI) who are registered for the respective classes and employed by Registered Gas Contractors (RGC). The lists of RGCs and RGIs are available on EMSD'

s website for reference. 根镀灏踩趵,所有在本港使用的气体接驳软 喉均须为已获气体安全监督(即机电工程署署长)批准 的类型.已获批准的气体接驳软喉均附有「EMSD APPROVAL 机电工程署批准 GTxxxx」标记及使用到 期日,以资识别.软喉应尽量裁短,而其长度不应超过 2米,并应在使用到期日前更换. According to the Gas Safety Ordinance, all flexible gas tubings used in Hong Kong shall be type approved by the Gas Authority (i.e., the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services). All approved flexible gas tubings shall bear the approval mark EMSD APPROVAL 机电工 程署批准 GTxxxx and the service life expiry date for identification. The length of the flexible gas tubing shall be kept to a minimum and not exceed

2 metres. Also, the tubing should be replaced before the expiry date. 安全使用气体煮食炉 Safe Use of Gas Cookers 应定期安排注册气体工程承办商为气体炉具进行例 行检查M 维修 商业楼宇 - 最少每12个月检查一次 住宅楼宇 - 最少每18个月检查一次 Regular checking / servicing of gas appliances by a RGC Commercial premises - at least once every

12 months Domestic premises - at least once every

18 months 切勿在无人看管的情况下任由气体用具开着 Do NOT leave the gas appliance unattended while in operation 不应使用外置器具(例如打火机、火枪或燃烧的纸 张)燃点炉具 Do NOT ignite the gas appliance by external devices (such as lighters, torches or burning paper) 不应平排使用两个手提卡 式石油气炉 Do NOT use two portable cassette cookers placed next to each other 切勿干扰手提卡式石油气炉过压切断装置的运作 Never override the over-pressure safety device of the portable cassette cooker 应确保炉具在通风良好和远离易燃物品的地方使用 Use the gas appliance in a well-ventilated area away from flammable materials 使用石油气瓶时,应经常检查气体调压器,炉具用 完后须立即将调压器关上 When using LPG cylinders, check the gas regulator regularly and turn it off once the gas appliance is switched off 使用手提卡式石油气炉时,应留意煮食器皿不可过 大,以免器皿盖在卡式石油气瓶箱的上面 When using a portable cassette cooker, make sure the cooking utensil is not as large as to cover the LPG cylinder box of the cooker 如怀疑或发现炉具有损坏,应立即停用及安排维修 Do NOT use the gas appliance and arrange repair at once if any damage is found or suspected 切勿使用非原厂配件 Do Not use non-genuine accessories 使用及储存石油气瓶(包括只用一次石油气瓶)应注意事项 Tips on the Use and Storage of LPG Cylinders (including Disposable LPG Cylinders) 根 《气体安全条例》 ,除非已取得气体安全监督 (即机电 工程署署长)批准,否则任何人士在任何情况下都不得把 总标称容水量超过

130 升 (约

50 公斤) 的石油气瓶 (包括 空瓶在内 ) 置於一处地方(包括任何楼宇的任何部分) . 一 般石油气瓶的标称容水量及重量如下: Pursuant to the Gas Safety Ordinance, no LPG cylinders shall be situated in the one place (including any part of any premises) where the aggregated nominal water capacity of the cylinders (including used cylinders) is more than

130 litres (approximately 50kg) unless approval from the Gas Authority (i.e., the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services) is obtained. The nominal water capacity and weight of general LPG cylinders are listed below: 有关更多石油气瓶的标称容水量资料,请参阅气体应用守则 之六(GU06)的附录1 Please refer to Appendix

1 of Code of Practice (GU06) for further information on the nominal water capacity of LPG cylinders 在商业楼宇内,例如一般食肆,经营者应确保设立有效 的只用一次石油气瓶(卡式石油气瓶)存货替换系统,以避 免气瓶储存过久.为消防安全起见,所储存的卡式石油 气瓶总储存量不应超过50瓶. For commercial premises, e.g. restaurants, operators should ensure that an effective stock rotation system of disposable LPG cylinders (cartridges) is in place to avoid prolonged storage. For the sake of fire safety, it is recommended not to store more than

50 cartridges. Nominal Water Capacity (L) 标称容水量 (升) Type 种类 Disposable LPG Cylinder (cartridge) 只用一次石油气瓶 (卡式石油气瓶) 0.55 0.25 - 0.26 4.8

12 2

5 LPG Cylinder 瓶装石油气 Nominal LPG Weight (kg) 标称石油气重量 (公斤) 应将石油气瓶垂直储存於乾爽、阴凉、通风良好及 远离火焰和热源的地方 Store LPG cylinders in an upright position in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area away from flame and heat sources 不应将石油气瓶存放在地库、排水沟附近 Do NOT store LPG cylinders in a basement or near a drainage channel 不应把只用一次石油气瓶存放於儿童能触及的地方 Do NOT store disposable LPG cylinders in a place within the reach of children 安全使用石油气瓶 (包括只用一次石油气瓶) Safe Use of LPG Cylinders (including Disposable LPG Cylinders) 根镀灏踩趵,所有只用一次石油气瓶都必须先 经气体安全监督(即机电工程署署长)给予类型批准,方 可在本港使用 According to the Gas Safety Ordinance, all disposable LPG cylinders for use in Hong Kong shall be type approved by the Gas Authority (i.e., the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services ) 应严格遵守只用一次石油气瓶上及气体用具说明书 内的安全指示 Follow strictly the safety instructions printed on the disposable LPG cylinder, and in the user manual of the gas appliance 使用前应先检查气体用具及气瓶的状况,确保气体 用具已关上及气源接头与气瓶完全配合 Check the condition of the gas appliance and the LPG cylinder to ensure that the gas appliance is turned off and the coupling is perfectly matched before use 把只用一次石油气瓶装上手提卡式石油气炉时,应 确保气瓶接驳凹位垂直向上 When installing a disposable LPG cylinder in the portable cassette cooker, make sure that the coupling recess of the cylinder is facing upwards 应检查接驳后有否异常气味M 声音等漏气迹象,方可 使用气体用具 After connection, check and make sure that there is no abnormal smell or sound of gas leakage before turning on the gas appliance 应确保气体用具在通风良好和远离易燃物品的地方 使用 Use gas appliance only in a well-ventilated area away from flammable materials 应在石油气瓶完全耗尽后才弃置或换上新的气瓶 Use up all LPG contained in the cylinder before replacement or disposal 应小心处理石油气瓶,以免损坏 Handle LPG cylinders carefully to avoid damage 应定期检查石油气瓶的状况,如有怀疑,应徵询进 口商M 供应商的意见 Check the condition of LPG cylinders regularly and contact the importer / supplier if in doubt 应尽快使用已购买的石油气瓶,以免储存过久 Use the purchased LPG cylinders as soon as possible and avoid prolonged storage 瓶装石油气使用完毕后,应尽快把气瓶交回石油气 分销商,不应摆放在公众地方 Used LPG cylinders should be returned to your LPG distributor as soon as possible, and NOT be left unattended in a public place 切勿为只用一次石油气瓶重新注气 Never refill disposable LPG cylinders 不应使用没有自行密封气阀的只用一次石油气瓶 Do NOT use disposable LPG cylinders without self-sealing valves 不应在吸烟或有电器开动的密封环境内使用只用一 次石油气瓶 Do NOT use disposable LPG cylinders in a smoking area or confined area where electrical appliances are in operation 避免吸入只用一次石油气瓶内的气体 Avoid inhaling the contents of disposable LPG cylinders 不应将用完的只用一次石油气瓶刺穿或燃烧 Do NOT puncture or burn a used disposable LPG cylinder 如需进一步资料,请向你的注册 气体供应公司查询,或致电 1823与机电工程署联络. For further information, please contact your registered gas supply company or the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department at 1823. 不应将只用一次石油气瓶放在明火、火焰或炽热的 表面上 Do NOT place disposable LPG cylinders on a naked flame, fire or an incandescent surface 应确保在安装及卸除只用一次石油气瓶时,远离火 焰及热源 Keep away from flame and heat source when installing or removing the disposable LPG cylinder 除指明外,已用罄的只用一次石油气瓶可当作家居 废物处理 Except specified, completely used up disposable LPG cylinders can be disposed of as domestic waste 未用的只用一次石油气瓶可交回有关的气体供应公司 Unused disposable LPG cylinders can be returned to the gas supply company ........
