编辑: 丑伊 2019-08-28
Interim Report

2012 中期报告 培育人材库 Nurturing Talent Pool 香港湾仔港湾道26号Room 1901-05, China Resources Building, 华润大厦1901-05室26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

电话 Telephone :

2593 7388 传真 Facsimile :

2598 8228 网址 Website : www.crgas.com.hk 电邮 Email : investor-relations@crgas.com.hk 简单、坦诚、阳光 Simple, Truthful and Positive 华润燃气控股有限公司 China Resources Gas Group Limited Interim Report

2012 中期报告 企业管治委员会 于剑女士(主席) 石善博先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 王添根先生 黄得胜先生 陆志昌先生 公司秘书 王添根先生 注册办事处 Canon'

s Court

22 Victoria Street Hamilton HM12 Bermuda 主要营业地点 香港 湾仔 港湾道26号 华润大厦 1901-05室 法律顾问 齐伯礼律师行 暨礼德律师行 核数师 德勤?关黄陈方会计师行 主要股份过户登记处 Butterfield Fulcrum Group (Bermuda) Limited Rosebank Centre

11 Bermudiana Road Pembroke Bermuda 香港股份过户登记处 卓佳秘书商务有限公司 香港 湾仔 皇后大道东28号 金钟汇中心26楼 董事会 主席兼执行董事 王傅栋先生(主席,於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 执行董事兼总经理 石善博先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 执行董事兼首席财务官 王添根先生 非执行董事 杜文民先生 魏斌先生 黄道国先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 陈鹰先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 独立非执行董事 黄得胜先生 陆志昌先生 于剑女士 审核委员会 陆志昌先生(主席) 黄得胜先生 黄道国先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 薪酬委员会 黄得胜先生(主席) 陆志昌先生 杜文民先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 提名委员会 王傅栋先生(主席,於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 石善博先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 黄得胜先生 陆志昌先生 投资委员会 魏斌先生(主席,於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 王传栋先生 陈鹰先生(於二零一二年六月一日获委任) 黄得胜先生

1 目录 Contents 公司简介 Corporate Profile

2 主席报告与业务 及业绩回顾 Chairman'

s Statement and ? Review of Operations and Results

4 其他资料 Additional Information

20 财务及业务摘要 Financial &

Operational Highlights

36 简明综合财务报表 审阅报告 Report on Review of Condensed Consolidated ? Financial Statements

47 简明综合全面收入报表 Condensed Consolidated Statement of ? Comprehensive Income

49 简明综合财务状况表 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

50 简明综合股本权益变动表 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

52 简明综合现金流量表 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

54 简明综合财务报表附注 Notes to the Condensed Consolidated ? Financial Statements

55 2 华润集团於中国的城市燃气分 销旗舰 於二零零八年,本集团向本公司的主 要股东及控股股东华润 (集团)有限公 司(「华 润集团」 )收购华润燃气有限公司(「华 润燃气」 )的全部已发行股本,代价约为38亿港元,透过按每持 有本公司一股获配发四股供股股份的 方式提供资金.华润燃气透过其在中 国的附属公司经营七个城市燃气分销 业务,包括天然气管道及压缩天然气 ( 「压缩天然气」 )加气站.本公司的名 称之后更改为 「China Resources Gas Group Limited」 (华润燃气控股有限公 司) ,以反映本公司的重点是经营其唯 一的城市燃气分销业务及其作为华润 集团的城市燃气分销旗舰公司的定位. 本公司继续通过内涵式增长及收购实 现扩张.於二零零九年、二零一零年 及二零一一年,本公司分别新增

20、 21及25个城市燃气项目.於截至二零 一二年六月三十日止六个月,再次收 购七个城市燃气项目.截至二零一二 年六月三十日,本公司在中国16个省 份经营73个城市燃气项目 (包括六个 省会及一个直市) ,燃气总年销量达 83亿立方米及拥有1,140万居民用户. THE PRC CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION FLAGSHIP OF CHINA RESOURCES GROUP During 2008, the Group acquired from China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited ( CRH ), the Company'

s substantial and controlling shareholder, the entire issued share capital of China Resources Gas Limited ( CR Gas ) for a consideration of approximately HK$3.8 billion funded by a four for one right issue. CR Gas, through its subsidiaries in the PRC, operates

7 city gas distribution businesses including natural gas pipelines and Compressed Natural Gas ( CNG ) filling stations. The Company was subsequently renamed as China Resources Gas Group Limited to reflect the focus on its sole city gas distribution business and its role as the city gas distribution flagship of CRH. The Company continues to expand via organic and acquisition growths. Additional 20,

21 and

25 city gas projects were added during 2009,

2010 and

2011 respectively. A further

7 city gas projects were acquired during the

6 month period to 30th June, 2012. As at 30th June, 2012, the Company operates

73 city gas projects (including

6 provincial capitals and

1 direct administrative municipality) in

16 provinces in China with annualised gross gas sales volume of 8.3 billion m3 and 11.4 million residential customers.

3 华润燃气於二零一二年六月三十日拥有之燃气项目 Gas projects owned by CR Gas as at

30 June

2012 华润集团现正在培育的其他项目 Other gas incubation projects retained by the CRH Group 「西气东输」 管道一期 West to East Gas Transmission Pipeline I 「西气东输」 管道二期 West to East Gas Transmission Pipeline II 「川气东送」 管道 Sichuan to East Gas Transmission Pipeline 现有之液化天然气接收站 Existing LNG receiving terminals 正在建设中之液化天然气接收站 LNG receiving terminals under construction

4 RESULTS In 2011, the Group acquired

7 city gas projects from its controlling shareholder in addition to its acquisition of other

18 new PRC city gas distribution projects. The results of these

7 city gas projects are accounted for in the Group'

s condensed consolidated financial statements in accordance with Accounting Guideline

5 Merger Accounting under Common Control Combination adopted by the Group. Accordingly, the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income, condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows of the Group for the two

6 month periods ended 30th June,

2011 and

2012 include the results of operations, changes in equity and cash flows of the companies now comprising the Group as if the current group structure had been in existence throughout the two

6 month periods ended 30th June,

2011 and 2012, or since their respective dates of incorporation or establishment where this is a shorter period except for the subsidiaries acquired from independent third parties and the jointly controlled entities acquired, which are included in the condensed consolidated financial statements since their respective dates of acquisitions. To enable the management discussion and analysis be more meaningful in presenting the changes from

2011 to 2012, only the financial and operational numbers before restatement for

2011 are discussed in the analysis below. For the period ended 30th June, 2012, the Group recorded turnover and profit attributable to ........
