编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2017-04-04
第34 卷第

8 期哈尔滨工程大学学报Vol.

34 №.8

2013 年8月Journal of Harbin Engineering University Aug.2013 黑龙江省大型企业技术创新效率及影响因素分析 丁云龙,赵杰,洪涛 (哈尔滨工业大学 经济与管理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001) 摘要:黑龙江省作为中国的老工业基地之一,近年来不断显现出 产业衰退 的迹象.为走出困境,需要对黑龙江省制造 业企业的创新效率及其影响因素展开研究,并提出改进方案.在实地调研的基础上,以黑龙江省为例,选取 2007~

2010 年间20 家大型企业作为经验研究对象,在DEA?Tobit 两步法的框架下,讨论地方企业技术创新效率及其影响因素.黑龙江 省作为老工业基地,地方大型企业在技术创新效率上表现出较大的差异性,产生差异的原因可以从企业规模、人力资源 状况和科研活动等

3 个角度探寻.实证研究表明,地方政府在制定创新政策时,不应简单地以企业规模为标准,而应以提 高企业人力资源素质为核心目标,以完善 政府?企业?高校 创新网络为核心手段,进而通过协同创新提升企业的技术创 新能力,推动自主创新. 关键词:大型企业;



DEA?Tobit 两步法 doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1006?7043.201303045 网络出版地址:http:/ / www.cnki.net/ kcms/ detail/ 23.1390.U.20130711.0831.001.html 中图分类号:C939 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006?7043(2013)08?1069?08 Determinants of large enterprises'

technological innovation efficiency in Heilongjiang Province DING Yunlong, ZHAO Jie, HONG Tao (Department of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China) Abstract:As one of the traditional industrial bases in China, Heilongjiang has been showing signs of industry reces? sion in recent years. For getting out of predicament, we need to study the innovation efficiency of manufacturing in? dustry in Heilongjiang province and its influencing factors, and put forward the improvement solution. On the basis of on?the?spot investigation, taking Heilongjiang province as an example,

20 large enterprises during

2007 to

2010 were chosen as empirical research objects, and in the framework of two?step method of DEA?Tobit, the authors dis? cussed local enterprises'

technological innovation efficiency and its influencing factors. As for local large enterprises in Heilongjiang province, there exists large difference in technological innovation efficiency, and the reasons for it can be explored from three points of view, namely the enterprise scale, the condition of human resources and scien? tific research activities. Empirical studies show that when the local governments are making their innovation poli? cies, they should not only be made simply according to enterprise scale, but also be made with the core target of improving the quality of human resources, as well as with the core means of improving the innovation network of government?enterprise?institution of higher learning , and thereby to increase enterprises'

technological innovation ability by cooperative innovation, and promote independent innovation. Keywords:large enterprises;

technological innovation efficiency;

Heilingjiang Province;

two?step method of DEA?Tobit 收稿日期:2013?03?18. 网络出版时间:2013?7?11. 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71073038). 作者简介:丁云龙(1963?),男,教授,博士;

洪涛(1977?),男,副教授,博士. 通信作者:洪涛,E?mail:hongtao@ hit.edu.cn. 经过几十年快速发展,中国已经成为世界第二 大经济体,众多产品产量位居世界前列.然而大多数 制造企业仍处于价值链低端,在全球分工体系中处 于不利地位,尤其是老工业基地的传统制造企业,长 期置身于价值链低端,出现了 产业衰退 征兆.为此,党的十八大报告强调要实施 创新驱动发展战 略 ,并指出 科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国 力的战略支撑,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位 置 .其中,提高企业自主创新能力是提高制造业企 业竞争优势,进而占领价值链高端的必由之路. 国内学者对创新效率及其影响因素进行了大量 研究,从研究视角看大致可分为
