编辑: liubingb 2016-12-06
渊by CorrespondentWangWeiwei fromCanada) 渊本报通讯员汪玮玮发自加拿大冤 C hina'

s ZTE is not as well-known as Apple or Samsung, but it is one of the world'

s largest telecom compa- nies.

And while Silicon Valley re- gards itself as the global home of innovation, the Chinese mobile maker has, in recent years, filed more patents than any other firm. (ZTE boss Shi Lirong: Innovation is the key to success, by BBC News) 中国的中兴通讯并不像苹果或 三星那样被全球人所知袁 但它是世 界上最大的通信公司之一遥 虽然美 国硅谷仍以全球创新之家自居袁中 兴通讯却已经在最近几年提交比硅 谷任何一家公司都多的专利申请遥 渊野中兴通讯掌门人称院 创新乃成功 关键冶袁BBC 新闻冤 Comment: According to a research, ZTE was the world'

s fastest-growing provider of 4G mobile phones in 2013. It reported operating revenue of RMB 39.60 billion from inter- national operations, accounting for 52.6% of overall operating rev- enue. It has proved that the more actively engaged in the research and development, the faster a company can grow. 点评院 有调查表明袁中兴通讯在2013 年成为全球增长最快的 4G 手 机供应商遥据最新报告显示袁去年其 国际业务实现营业收入达

396 亿元 人民币袁占全部营业收入的 52.6豫遥 事实证明袁企业越是积极投入研发袁 就越能实现销售的增长遥 A nother Chinese smartphone maker, Xiaomi is all set to enter the Indian market. Xiaomi, which will be the third known Chinese player, is working on forming relationships with tele- com operators and partners in In- dia. Xiaomi has a unique business model - it makes a limited num- ber of smartphones that are sold only on the internet. (Chinese smartphone brand Xiaomi set to enter India, by The Times of India) 作为进驻印度的第

3 个知名中 国手机企业袁 小米手机正致力于达 成与印度电信运营商及合作伙伴的 关系遥小米有其独特的商业模式袁即 只在互联网上销售数量有限的智能 手机遥 渊野中国智能手机品牌小米备 战印度冶袁印度时报冤 Comment: Indian smartphone market is heavily dominated by big compa- nies like Samsung, however, be- cause of lacking of design innova- tion, people start losing the faith on them. Also, Indian market is already flooded with too many cheap phones. To stand up in the new market, Xiaomi will have to come up with new ideas and fea- tures to lure customers who want something new. 点评院 印度智能手机市场主要被三星 这样的跨国巨头公司占据遥然而袁由 于缺乏设计创新袁 人们已经开始对 其失去兴趣遥 低价位手机在印度市 场有很大的份额袁 要占领这个新市 场袁 小米必须想出独特的新思路和 新创意袁 以满足消费者对创新的渴 望遥 CHINA REPORT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 社址院北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路 远号邮编院员园园园愿愿 电邮院糟蚤责灶藻憎泽岳增蚤责援泽蚤灶葬援糟燥皂 编辑中心院82803936 采访中心院82803956 办公室院82803009 发行部院愿圆园猿源猿愿缘 广告部院愿圆园猿源猿缘愿 印刷院解放军报印刷厂 圆园14 年4月9日星期三出版 主 编院吴 辉副主编院柳 鹏 英文审校院崔卫国 April 9袁 圆园14 孕怎遭造蚤泽澡藻凿 燥灶 Wednesday 耘凿蚤贼燥则原蚤灶原悦澡蚤藻枣押 宰怎 匀怎蚤 Deputy Editor押蕴iu Peng 耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 Cui Weiguo C hongqing man named Ji Jinchun filed a trademark registration of 雪佛龙on automobile and motorbike, which was challenged by the U.S. Chevron IP Company, a subsidiary of Chevron Group. After the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) approved the registration of the trademark in dispute, Chevron then filed an administrative proceeding against Ji. Recently, Beijing Higher People爷s Court rendered its final decision and approved the registration of 雪佛龙. Chevron held that the trademark in question constituted a similar trademark with its 雪佛龙trademark, which was registered on petroleum and industrial oil. As a trademark, 雪佛龙has gained popularity among the consumers, in addition automobile and motorbike have been closely related to gasoline. The trademark in question would not only harm the priority interests of Chevron Company, but also caused confusion among customers. TRAB held that there were obvious differences between automobile and gasoline in function, use, distribution channel and consumer. So the trademark would not confuse the customers. TRAB also held that although 雪佛龙 has gained popularity among the customers, Chevron could not proved that the trademark gained popularity on automobiles. So ordered. 渊by Zhang qianyu) 本报讯 重庆人季金春在汽车尧 摩托车等商品上提交野雪佛龙冶商标 注册申请时袁不想遭遇到了美国雪佛 龙集团旗下的雪佛龙知识产权有限 责任公司渊下称雪佛龙公司冤的异议遥 在国家工商行政管理总局商标评审 委员会渊下称商评委冤裁定被异议商 标准予注册后袁雪佛龙公司向法院提 起行政诉讼遥 日前袁北京市高级人民 法院作出二审判决袁维持了对被异议 商标予以核准注册的相关裁定遥 雪佛龙公司认为袁被异议商标与 该公司注册在石油渊原油或精炼油冤尧 工业用油等商品上的野雪佛龙冶商标 渊下称引证商标冤构成近似商标遥 野雪 佛龙冶作为雪佛龙集团的商号经过长 期使用已经具有一定知名度袁 且汽 车尧摩托车等商品与石油具有密切联 系袁被异议商标的使用不但会损害雪 佛龙公司的在先权益袁还会造成消费 者的混淆与误认遥 商评委则认为袁汽车尧摩托车等 商品与石油等商品在功能尧 用途尧销 售渠道尧消费对象等方面存在明显差 异袁两类商品上使用同样文字的野雪 佛龙冶 商标不会造成消费者的混淆尧 误认遥 商评委还指出袁雪佛龙公司虽 声称其企业字号野雪佛龙冶已经具有 一定知名度袁 但该知名度形成于汽 车尧摩托车等商品的证据不足遥 一审法院和二审法院均支持商 评委的观点袁判决维持商评委所作裁 定遥 渊张茜妤冤 Shanghai A district-level IP conference was held by Shanghai IP Office re- cently, which discussed and ar- ranged
