编辑: yyy888555 2016-06-11
SAR surface aerator 川源(中国)机械有限公司 GSD (China) Co.

,Ltd. www.gsd.net.cn SAR GREEN SAFE DEVELOPMENT SAR Surface aerator SAR表面式曝气机 曝气机选型 Aerator selection 用途 Applications 下图可用于快速估计所需功率. basin volume (106 G) oxygen dispersion mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS mg/l) (hp) aerator horsepower required for mixing 废水搅拌所需曝气机之功率 混合液悬浮固体 氧气扩散 水池容积 V

01 此高速曝气机产品系列,经设计可使曝气设备 的两个最重要的功能最佳化――传输氧气和混 合废水.废水经抽送通过曝气机,形成最佳的 喷流型态,有利于氧气进入废水中.同时,这 种废水抽送在池中形成了一定的水流速度,确 保了池水的混合和氧气的扩散效果.设计和应 用机械曝气设备的多年经验,结合我们广泛研 究测试设备的自主能力,使提供给客户的高速 曝气机不仅有最佳的传输氧气和混合废水的性 能,同时达到这些性能的方式最经济、可靠. 简介 Introduction

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0 1,000 N 表面曝气机是利用电机直接带动轴流式叶轮,将废水由导管 经导水板向四周喷出并形成一薄片(或水滴状)的水幕,在 飞行途中和空气接触形成水滴,在落下时撞击液面,液面产 生乱流及大量的气泡,使水中含氧增加.本机系将池底的水 吸上而由上方送出,形成一循环水流,故兼有搅拌的效果, 适用于生活污水,农牧养殖供氧及其他各种工业污水曝气等. The high-speed aerator line is designed to maxi- mize the two most important functions of any aeration device―oxygen transfer and mixing of wastewater . The waste liquid is pumped through the unit in a manner which creates the most optimal spray pattern to facilitate oxygen into the wastewater . At the same time, this pumping action creates a tank velocity pattern which ensures the mixing of contents and thus the oxygen dispersion. Years of experience in the design and application of mechanical aeration equipment, combined with the full capabilities of our extensive research test facility, enabled us to provide a line of high speed aerators which not only maximizes oxygen transfer and tank mixing characteristics but also achieving this in the most economical and reliable way. GSD' s surface aerator (SAR) uses a motor to directly drive the axial flow impeller, which discharges the waste water from the conduit through the water deflector and forms a thin (or water drop-shaped) water curtain. When contact with air during the transfer, it will form water drop shape, which fall to the water surface and form the turbulence and bubbles. These bubbles will improve oxygen dispersion and increase oxygen in water. The GSD SAR device pumps water from the bottom to the top and creates circulation flows and stir processes. It is suitable for domestic waste water treatment, agriculture and aquaculture oxygen supply and other industrial waste water aeration appli- cations. The chart below can be used to quickly estimate the horse- required power.

02 SAR GREEN SAFE DEVELOPMENT Selection of aerators for O2 transfer 已知BOD(mg/l)及每日废水流量可利用下图选择 废水处理所需曝气机之功率.使用时在图之左边 选择需求之每日废水流量,然后延伸一水平线使 与所需之BOD曲线相交,再由此引一垂直直线并 读出在底部所需要之功率. 曝气机的传氧选型图 Construction and material 结构简图及材质 NO. 名称 Name 材质 Material
