编辑: f19970615123fa 2016-03-25
香港及国际品牌 如何成功著陆内地市场拓展商机 ? 主讲人:香港中小企业发展促进会会长宗第 宗第先生简介 宗第先生,北京印刷学院兼职教授,杭州电子科技 大学教授,澳洲梅铎大学MBA硕士,香港行政教育 机构总裁,品牌专家,香港燕京行有限公司总经理, 燕京行实业(深圳)有限公司董事长兼总经理,现 担任中国包装联合会培训专家委员会专家、香港中 小企业发促进会会长、中国香港印刷供应链商会会 长、香港首席品牌策划师协会会长、香港印刷业商 会理事、深圳外商投资企业协会副会长、深圳印刷 学会常务副会长、广东省印协理事、深圳市中小企 业促进会副会长、深圳市印刷行业协会副会长、深 圳市专家工作联合委员会专家、世界印刷大赛中国 专家委员.



从事于印刷供应链品牌管理与营 销,多造多家印刷品牌商,在内地树立了多项第一, 被誉中国印刷先锋,品牌管理大师.;

000年宗第 先生专家出席世界印刷大会得到时任国务院副总 理李岚清先生接见. Bio - Anthony Chung ? Bio - Anthony Chung ? Anthony T. Chung, citizen of Hong Kong SAR China. ? MBA, Murdoch,Australia, ? Diploma CChief Brand Officer ? Visiting Professor of Beijing Media Communication College. ? Visiting Professor of Zhejiang Hangzhou DianZe University of Technologies. ? In early

80 Mr. Chung started his career in China Trade and he has been working with various world well known multi-international corporations. In

1985 Anthony came back to work with his father company and was the co-founder of China Yin King. He is now the CEO of China Yin King (China) Ltd. Mr. Chung is also the Chairman of China Hong Kong Printing Supply Chain Association ,the Chairman of HK SMEs Association and Vice Chairman of Shenzhen SMEs Association. Director of Guangdong Printing Association, Consultant of Guizhou Printing Association and director of Hong Kong Printers Association and Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Printing Association. Consultant of Shanghai Bell Inc.Consultant to Chinese Oversea Guangdong Association,President of Chief Brand Officer Association of Hong Kong. Bio - Anthony Chung ? In the last

25 years while Mr. Chung jointing the graphic art industries and retail brands sales for many multi-national corporation. During these years Mr. Chung and his teams involved and having a lot of hands on experiences on domestic sales, marketing and branding for both Industrial and consumer brands which included Apple, Kodak ,Agfa, Fujifilm, Barco ,Danagaf, Glun &

Jesen, Scanview, Atex Purup-eskofot, Evita Peroni , Paris Hilton ..etc .Under his leadership and effort, China Yin King has now become one of the large prepress equipment supplier and print supply chain solution provider in China and a well known Brand Consultancy &

distribution company ? Mr. Chung is very innovative and market orientated. He has a sharp eye on the demand of the China graphic art industries. His management philosophies are People is capital, customers are his valuable asset. In his years with China Yin King, CYK has successfully created many No.

1 in China. The brands he had handled and achieved a remarkable milestones Bio - Anthony Chung ? Key Projects ? Copydot Technologies C Shenzhen Daily Group ? Web off-set Press - Shenzhen commercial newspaper. ? Computer to film C Apple Daily Hong Kong ? Computer to Plate system - Beijing Daily Newspaper ? Digital work flow from ad to production C Chengdu Newspaper Group. ? Apple Computer with Mackintosh Platform C Shenzhen Economic Daily. ? Retails Evita Perioni- fashion accessories ? Paris Hilton hand bag and fashion accessories. 香港及国际品牌 如何成功著陆内地市场拓展商机 国家经济的飞速发展和百姓消费水平的不断提高,使中国庞大的 消费市场在\多国际品牌眼里,更显现了迷人的魅力.低成本进 入中国市场并迅速占领制高点,成许多国际品牌持有商梦寐以 求的期望. 随国际著名品牌抢滩中国市场的浪潮高涨,如何成功著陆内地市 场并拓展商机成一个国际性的经济大问题.尤其是在经济危机 未能完全消退、世界各国经济还处在恢复阶段的当前这样一个大 的国际经济环境下,中国内陆市场势头依然良好,大\消费水平 依然增长;
