编辑: 元素吧里的召唤 2016-02-19
| 储蓄及退休 Save and Retire | 富饶传承储蓄计划 Infinity Saver IS 《iMoney 智富杂志》 优秀保险企业大奖2018 最佳年金产品 《彭博商业周刊》 金融机构大\2018 年金计划 - 卓越大\

1 我的退休生活 My retirement 儿子的事业发展 My son'

s business 孙女的教育大计 My grand-daughter'

s education 曾孙的 无限潜能开发 My great- grandson'

s potential 富饶传承 掌握未来 Own the future with a legacy of wealth 创造财富 守护世代 富饶传承储蓄计划是一项提供更高潜在回报及 灵活的保险储蓄计划,让您的资产增值,助您和 家人实现未来目标.

财富倍增 恒久传承 您可将保单所累积的财富传承给蛋,最长可 达至138年,让保单财富倍增,延续世代. 为挚爱塑造幸福未来 日后,您的家人将会衷心感激您今天的明智决 定.选择富饶传承储蓄计划为您建立财富,让您 见证财富增长及传承对家人的爱...... Protected wealth that grows for generations Infinity Saver is a flexible insurance savings plan designed to grow your assets and help you and your family to achieve your future goals. With Infinity Saver you accumulate capital with potentially higher returns. Create an inheritance Uniquely, you may change your policy ownership over time to transfer accumulated wealth up to

138 years. For your family'

s future happiness Your family will look back and thank you for your wisdom today. Choose Infinity Saver to build your wealth, watch it grow and share your blessings across the generations...

2 3 短期供款 Short Start Term 更高回报潜力 Higher Potential Returns

1 2 缴付保费年期短至5年或10年,让您轻累积丰 厚财富,且无需进行验身.何不立刻行动? 我们采用进取的资产配置策略,以提升回报潜 力,让财富倍增.自保单生效满3年起,您可获 享非保证终期红利. 为让您安枕无忧,於保单生效满3年起,无论经 济环境如何,保证现金价值将根5ヒ焉 年期计算,最高可达每年保费额1 的350%, 在退保或终止保单时提取. Get started right away with a premium payment term of five or ten years. It'

s so easy to accumulate a sizeable sum. And no medical examination is required. What are you waiting for? We implement a proactive asset allocation strategy so you can grow your wealth with higher potential returns. From the third policy anniversary onwards, you are entitled to a non-guaranteed Terminal Bonus. For total peace of mind, you'

re entitled to receive the Guaranteed Cash Value on surrender of the policy from the third policy anniversary onwards, no matter the economic climate. The Guaranteed Cash Value is based on the duration for which the policy has been in force, up to 350% of the total Annual Premium paid1 . 保证现金价值 Guaranteed Cash Value 终期红利 Terminal Bonus = + 现金价值2 Cash Value2 富饶传承储蓄计划 C 信心满载 累积财富 Infinity Saver C Build your wealth with confidence 您可於55岁及保单已生效满10年起,随时选择 将全数或部分现金价值转为终身年金3 ,确保退 休后仍享有稳定收入 ,月月有 「粮」 出,以免因 长寿而要面对财务风险. 所谓 「年金」 ,就是您的私人长俸.计划备有11 种年金权益随意选择,照顾到自己和配偶,活到 多少岁都可以持续领取,不会让自己老无所依. When you reach the age of

55 and the 10th policy anniversary, you can decide at any time to convert all or part of the Cash Value to a lifetime annuity3 . This guarantees you an annuity income for the rest of your life, and protects you from the financial impact of longevity risk. Annuity is like your private pension. The plan offers
