编辑: xiaoshou 2019-08-02

中期报告 公司资料 CORPORATE INFORMATION 准备Ready 主席及执行董事 Chairman and Executive Director 陈朗 Chen Lang 首席执行官及执行董事 Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director 洪杰 Hong Jie 副主席及执行董事 Vice Chairman and Executive Director 刘洪基 Liu Hongji 首席财务官及执行董事 Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director 黎汝雄 Lai Ni Hium, Frank 非执行董事 Non-Executive Directors 杜文民 Du Wenmin 魏斌 Wei Bin 阎Yan Biao 黄道国 Huang Daoguo 陈鹰 Chen Ying 独立非执行董事 Independent Non-Executive Directors 黄大宁 Houang Tai Ninh 李家祥 Li Ka Cheung, Eric 郑慕智 Cheng Mo Chi 陈智思 Bernard Charnwut Chan 萧炯柱 Siu Kwing Chue, Gordon 公司秘书 Company Secretary 黎汝雄 Lai Ni Hium, Frank 核数师 Auditor 罗兵咸永道会计师事务所 PricewaterhouseCoopers 注册办事处 Registered Office 香港湾仔港湾道26号华润大厦39楼39/F, China Resources Building

26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Concept of Cover Design China Resources Enterprise, Limited is committed to developing its core businesses C retail, beer, food and beverage C with the mission of becoming the largest consumer goods company in China. Despite short term market fluctuations in the past, we sustained the steady expansion of our businesses and focused on strengthening our core competitiveness, which enables us to maintain our market leading position. More importantly, we are ready to seize the tremendous market opportunities when the economy rebounds. 封面设计概念 华润创业有限公司专注於零售、啤酒、食 品及饮品四个核心业务,并以成为中国最 大的消费品企业为使命.尽管过去市场出 现短期波动,但我们仍然持续扩展业务及 专注提升核心竞争力,从而巩固市场领导 地位.更重要的是,我们已准备就绪,以 抓紧经济复苏所带来的各种机遇. 目录 CONTENTS

2 财务概要 Financial Highlights

4 营业额及溢利分析表 Analysis of Turnover and Profit

7 主席报告 Chairman'

s Statement

12 管理层讨论与分析 Management Discussion and Analysis

20 简明综合损益表 Condensed Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

21 简明综合全面收益表 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

22 简明综合资产负债表 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

24 简明综合现金流量表 Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

25 简明综合股东权益变动表 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

27 简明综合财务报告附注 Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

39 其他资料 Other Information

2 华润创业有限公司 CHINA RESOURCES ENTERPRISE, LIMITED 财务概要 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 截至六月三十日止六个月 For the six months ended

30 June 二零一三年 二零一二年

2013 2012 (未经审核) (未经审核) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) 港币百万元 港币百万元 HK$ million HK$ million 营业额 Turnover 71,857 63,959 本公司股东应占溢利 Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company 1,018 2,235 每股基本盈利1 Basic earnings per share1 HK$0.42 HK$0.93 每股中期股息 Interim dividend per share HK$0.13 HK$0.15



2013 | Notes: 1. Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended

30 June

2013 and

2012 are HK$0.42 and HK$0.93, respectively. 2. Gearing ratio represents the ratio of consolidated net borrowings to total equity. 於二零一三年 六月三十日 於二零一二年 十二月三十一日 At

30 June

2013 At

31 December

2012 (未经审核) (经审核) (Unaudited) (Audited) 港币百万元 港币百万元 HK$ million HK$ million 本公司股东应占权益 Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 41,489 40,742 非控制股东权益 Non-controlling interests 13,295 13,042 总权益 Total equity 54,784 53,784 综合借款净额 Consolidated net borrowings C 1,330 负债比率2 Gearing ratio2 净现金Net Cash 2.5% 流动比率 Current ratio 0.89 0.89 每股资产净值: Net assets per share: C 账面值 C book value HK$17.27 HK$16.97 附注: 1. 截至二零一三年及二零一二年六月三十日止 六个月之每股摊薄盈利分别为港币0.42元及 港币0.93元. 2. 负债比率指综合借款净额与总权益的比例.

4 华润创业有限公司 CHINA RESOURCES ENTERPRISE, LIMITED 营业额及溢利分析表 ANALYSIS OF TURNOVER AND PROFIT 截至六月三十日止六个月 For the six months ended

30 June 二零一三年 二零一二年

2013 2012 (未经审核) (未经审核) 增加/(减少) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Increased/ 港币百万元 港币百万元 (Decreased) 各项业务之营业额 Turnover by segment HK$ million HK$ million % 零售 Retail 47,907 42,125 13.7% 啤酒 Beer 16,078 14,633 9.9% 食品 Food 5,004 5,114 (2.2%) 饮品 Beverage 3,375 2,289 47.4% 72,364 64,161 12.8% 对销业务间之交易 Elimination of inter-segment transactions (507) (202) 151.0% 总额 Total 71,857 63,959 12.3%



2013 | 截至六月三十日止六个月 For the six months ended

30 June 二零一三年 二零一二年

2013 2012 (未经审核) (未经审核) 增加/(减少) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Increased/ 各项业务之本公司股东 Profit attributable to shareholders 港币百万元 港币百万元 (Decreased) 应占溢利 oftheCompany( PAS )bysegment HK$ million HK$ million % 零售 Retail

637 1,754 (63.7%) 啤酒 Beer

358 375 (4.5%) 食品 Food

71 144 (50.7%) 饮品 Beverage

39 30 30.0% 1,105 2,303 (52.0%) 公司总部利息净额及费用 Net corporate interest and expenses (87) (68) 27.9% 总额 Total 1,018 2,235 (54.5%)

6 华润创业有限公司 CHINA RESOURCES ENTERPRISE, LIMITED 营业额及溢利分析表 ANALYSIS OF TURNOVER AND PROFIT 截至六月三十日止六个月 For the six months ended

30 June 二零一三年 二零一二年

2013 2012 各项业务扣除资产重估及 PAS excluding the effect of (未经审核) (未经审核) 增加/(减少) 出售主要非核心资产投 asset revaluation and major (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Increased/ 资影响之本公司股东应占 disposal of non-core assets/ 港币百万元 港币百万元 (Decreased) 溢利 investments by segment HK$ million HK$ million % 零售1 Retail1

624 650 (4.0%) 啤酒 Beer

358 375 (4.5%) 食品 Food

71 144 (50.7%) 饮品 Beverage

39 3........
