编辑: 雨林姑娘 2015-12-30

13 Storage Tanks C Remote Emissions Measurement 储罐-远程排放测量

14 Engineering Calculations工程计算 ? Typical Applications:典型应用 ?Process Venting工艺过程排气 ? Basic Constraints:基本限制 ?Requires detailed and accurate process data.需要 详细、精确的工艺过程数据 ? Potential Issues:潜在的问题 ?Requires expert knowledge.需要具备专门知识 ? Methods:方法 ?Mass balance and energy balance techniques.质 量平衡和能量平衡方法 ?Process simulators.工艺过程模拟器

15 Compressor Seal Vents: 压缩机密封排气口 ? Causes of Emissions:引起排放的原因 ?Seal wear.密封磨损 ? Typical Measurement Problems:典型测量问题 ?Potentially multiple leakage points:可能存在多个泄漏点 ? Centrifugal compressors :离心式压缩机 ? Lube oil degassing reservoir.润滑油脱气室 ? Seal Vent.密封排气口 ? Reciprocating compressors:往复式压缩机 ? Distance piece and packing case vents. 隔片和密封箱排气口 ? Lube oil drain tank vent.润滑油排放罐排气口 ? Crank case vent.曲轴箱排气口 ?Potentially large flows.存在大流量问题 ?Minimal tolerance to any back-pressure.承受回压的 能力很小 ?Fouling due to lube oil mist.由于润滑油雾而受到污染

16 ? Typical Measurement Problems:典型测量问题 ?Oily roof-tops and limited roof-top access.油沟箱 顶,限制从箱顶进入测量 ?Lack of ports on vent lines.放空管线上无测量端口 ?Possibly weather caps on vent outlets. 在放空出口处可能有风帽 Compressor Seal Vents: 压缩机密封排气口

17 ? Measurement Approaches.测量方法 ?Vane anemometers.叶轮风速计 ?Diaphragm meters or calibrated bags where some backpressure can be tolerated.在可以承受回压 的地方使用膜片计量器或标准装气袋 ?Hi-Flow Sampler大流量采样器 ?Quantitative remote sensing methods.定量的远程检测 方法 ?Permanent Solutions:永久性的解决方法 ? Flow switches.流量开关 ? Rotameters.转子流量计 Compressor Seal Vents: 压缩机密封排气口

18 Blowdown and Vent/Flare Systems:泄压和放空/火炬系统 ? Causes of Emissions (During Passive Periods):引起排放的原因 ?Purge gas.吹扫气 ?Leakage past the seats of blowdown/relief valves (5 to 10% leak and

1 to 2% of these contribute over 75% of the emissions).通过泄压阀/放空阀阀座发生泄 漏(5~10%的阀发生泄漏,其中1~2%的泄漏阀的泄漏量占总泄漏量的 比例超过75%.) ?Blowdown or drain valves not fully closed. 泄压阀或排放阀为完全关闭严实 ?Compressor seals.压缩机密封

19 Blowdown and Vent/Flare Systems:泄压和放空/火炬系统 ? Typical Measurement Problems:典型的测量问题 ?Potentially large flows.存在大流量问题 ?Difficulty accessing end of pipe.很难接近管线末端 ?Limited or no suitable ports for insertion of velocity probes.可供插入速度探针的端口有限,或者没有合适的 端口 ?Low flow velocities.低流速 ?Potentially wet or fouling environment inside pipe. 管线内部环境可能潮湿或受到污染 ?Safety concerns (relief episodes). 安全考虑(放空偶发事件)

20 ? Measurement Approaches.测量方法 ?Micro-tip vane and thermal dispersion anemometers.叶轮和热分散速度计 ?In-line tracer tests.在线示踪剂测试 ?Ultrasonic sensors (portable &

online). 超声波检测气(便携式&

在线式) ?Remote sensing methods.远程检测方法 ?Permanent Solutions:永久性解决方法 ? Ultrasonic transient-time flow meters.超声波瞬时流量计 ? Flow switches.流动开关 Blowdown and Vent/Flare Systems:泄压和放空/火炬系统
