编辑: 戴静菡 2015-12-11
新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.

xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/

2018 年12 月英语四级翻译真题答案解析(手机阅读) 南京新东方 Part Ⅲ Translation (30 minutes) 第一套 由于通信网络的快速发展,中国智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人度增长.这极大地改 变了许多人的阅读方式.他们现在经常智能手机上看新闻和文章,而不买传统报刊. 大量移动应用程序的开发使人们能用手机读小说和其他形式的文学作品.因此,纸质 书籍的销售受到了影响.但调查显示,尽管智能手机阅读市场稳步增长,超半数成年 人仍喜欢读纸质书. As the rapid development of communication network, the number of Chinese smart phone subscribers has increased at an unprecedented speed in recently years, which has changed the reading patterns of many people greatly. So they often read news and articles on smart phones now, rather than traditional newspapers. The development of a large number of mobile applications makes people read novels and other forms of literature works with their phones. Therefore, the sale of paper books was affected. Though the market of smart phone-reading is increasing stably, according to the research, more than half of adults still like reading paper books. 逐句解析如下: 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 第一句: 由于通信网络的快速发展,中国智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人度增长. 首先,注意时态.此句指明是"近年来" ,所以是现在完成时 这句短语"中国智能手机用户数量"的译法"译法能手机用户数量指明是国智能手机 用户数量近年来以惊人度增长.rmsusers" ,主语为单数,要注意主谓一致 "通信网络"可地道地译为 corresponding/communication network "智能手机"译为 smart phone "用户"译为 users "以……速度"译为 at...speed 全句翻译:As the rapid development of communication network, the number of Chinese smart phone subscribers has increased at an unprecedented speed in recently years. 第二句: 这极大地改变了许多人的阅读方式. 此句"这"字开头,可使用非限制性定语从句,which 引导,指代上面一句话 全句翻译: which has changed the reading patterns of many people greatly 第三句: 他们现在经常智能手机上看新闻和文章,而不买传统报刊. 此句注意"而"译为 rather than 全句翻译: 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ So they often read news and articles on smart phones now, rather than traditional newspapers. 第四句: 大量移动应用程序的开发使人们能用手机读小说和其他形式的文学作品. 词汇:应用程序 application 文学作品 literature works 全句翻译: The development of a large number of mobile applications makes people read novels and other forms of literature works with their phones. 翻译时需注意, "大量移动应用程序的开发" ,此处"大量"使用 a large number of , 主语是 development 不可数名词,谓语动词用 makes,即第三人称单数形式. 第五句: 因此,纸质书籍的销售受到了影响. 此句注意, "受到"是被动形式 词汇:纸质书籍 paper books 全句翻译:Therefore, the sale of paper books was affected. 第六句: 但调查显示,尽管智能手机阅读市场稳步增长,超半数成年人仍喜欢读纸质书. 此句注意, "尽管"让步状语的考点,所以" 但"不用翻译出来 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 词汇:稳步增长 increase stably 全句翻译: Though the market of smart phone-reading is increasing stably, according to the research, more than half of adults still like reading paper books. 鉴于翻译满分为
