编辑: wtshxd 2015-09-25
茶苑厨房 tea house kitchen 茶苑精选水磨汤圆 tea house homemade sweet dumpling - tang yuan 宁波汤圆 tea house signature dish - tang yuan 汤圆起源于宁波,距今已有700多年的历史,是宁波乃至全球华人阖家 共享的传统家常美味点心.

每逢佳节,特别是元宵节,家家户户都会 亲自用水磨将浸泡过的糯米磨成上等的米浆,用于制作糯米面.随后 再以香甜的黑芝麻入馅,制成汤圆,全家老少其乐融融围坐分享,因此 汤圆也寓意着团团圆圆. 宁波柏悦酒店将于茶苑演绎这一传统制作过程,让您品尝到纯正 "全手工水磨汤圆"的绝妙口感,回忆起那不容错过的节日温馨体验. originating from ningbo, tang yuan has a rich history over

700 years. it is a traditional family-shared dessert in ningbo-natives and even chinese all over the world.a symbol of family reunions, making tang yuan at home is a festive tradition, especially during lantern festival that each family will use the stone mill to grind soaked glutinous rice with water into the ?ne puree for making the dough, and ?nish with sesame based ?lling. then the whole family will happily share this irresistible sweet dessert as part of celebration. park hyatt ningbo resort and spa introduces the most authentic and delectable delights in the tea house produced on site. delicately hand-made with precision, ningbo tang yuan is a not-to-be-missed experience for an authentic festive occasion.

45 所有价格以人民币计算,另需加收百分之十五(含服务费和税费) all prices are in cny and subject to 15% charge (inclusive of service charge and tax) 厨师精选茶点套餐 chef's selection of high tea set chef's selection of high tea (2 persons) signature beef noodle soup shrimp wonton soup (contains pork) hot and sour rice noodle soup, seafood pot-sticker dumpling, minced pork tossed noodle, dried shrimp, shredded chicken, shallot oil, soya sauce tea house home-made snacks caramelized walnut, home-made dried beef curry, spicy baby octopus steamed pork dumpling, seafood baked minced pork puff 厨师精选茶点套餐(两人份) 茶苑招牌牛肉面 招牌鲜虾肉馄饨(含猪肉) 酸辣海鲜米粉 沪式鲜肉锅贴 鸡丝开洋葱油拌面 茶苑自制小食 琥珀核桃,自制咖喱牛肉干, 泡椒望潮 老宁波海鲜小笼包 茶苑手工鲜肉酥饼 所有价格以人民币计算,另需加收百分之十五(含服务费和税费) all prices are in cny and subject to 15% charge (inclusive of service charge and tax)

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55 所有价格以人民币计算,另需加收百分之十五(含服务费和税费) all prices are in cny and subject to 15% charge (inclusive of service charge and tax) seasonal fruit platter sweet soup of eight delicacies crispy glutinous rice cake, brown sugar glutinous rice ball, mango cream green vegetable dumpling gorgon fruit and lotus seed cake, osmanthus mung bean cake home-made dried apple 时令鲜果盘 玫瑰什锦八宝羹 红糖麻糍 芒果雪媚娘 香油马兰蒸饺 桂花莲子芡实糕 农家绿豆酥 茶苑自制苹果干

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55 45 茶苑酒吧 tea house bar 所有价格以人民币计算,另需加收百分之十五(含服务费和税费) all prices are in cny and subject to 15% charge (inclusive of service charge and tax) 精选混合茶 RECOMMENDED TEA 意柔香 重瓣红玫瑰,大枣,玉竹, 茉莉花,桂圆,木瓜 醉饮香 菊花,淡竹叶,决明子, 金银花,枸杞,葛根 窈窕香 重瓣红玫瑰,荷叶,玫瑰茄, 菊花,牛蒡根,青钱柳叶 清口香 胖大海,菊花,百合,甘草, 薄荷,桔梗 和味香 佛手,茯苓,丹凤牡丹花, 山楂,大枣,茶树花 钱湖香 麦芽,枸杞,山楂,红茶 fragrance roses, date, radix jasmine, dry longan, papaya charming chrysanthemum, lophatherum gracile, cassia seed honeysuckle, medlar, the root of kudzu vine sylphlike roses, lotus leaf, roselle chrysanthemum, burdock root, cyclocarya paliurus leaf fresh scaphium scaphigerum, chrysanthemum, lily, liquorice mint, platycodon grandi?orum sweet ?ngered citron, poria, peony ?owers hawthorn, date, tea ?ower mild malt, chinese wolfberry, hawthorn, black tea
